Kao - Dream

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Vampire, that's what they are.

Kao just lean back in the chair while watching his two bestfriends. He is surely glad that Ohm woke up from his deep sleep and roll his eyes when Boun keep fixing his hair.

Kao suddenly feel numb. Fluke, Ohm's mate together with Prem is walking towards them with someone.

Fluke happily sit next Ohm, "Ohm, meet our new friend Earth, this Ohm, that's Boun and the guy in the middle is Kao".

Boun said, "Make sure, you are not plotting anything to hurt Prem or Fluke or else". He suddenly feel annoyed when Boun said that threat. Kao blinks.

"Boun!", Fluke glare which make Boun lower his head and whisper "sorry". "Turn him into a chicken, Earth", then Prem laughs.

"Chicken?", Boun curiously asks then look at Earth.

"I'm a wizard", Earth smile a little while Fluke and Prem high five.

"Just like Sammy", Kao suddenly said but he suddenly felt a pinch within him upon hearing the word witch.

He look across the table, studying Earth secretly and what he see in his eyes caught him off guard. Pain, longing and unidentified emotion. After blinking, he see how Earth smile looking at Prem and Fluke.

He went home with thinking about Earth.

Kao is kneeling beside his bed while holding the small hand while he softly removing the hair that covers the cute face.

"Kao, isn't it weird to find him in the middle of the forest with that state?", Boun curiously asks.

Kao fix the blanket and take another glance to his mate. Then, slowly turns to Boun.

"Are you doubting my mate, Boun?", Kao seriously asks.

Boun raise his hands as if surrendering then step back, "Hey, that is an innocent question. I'm actually worried because his clothes are torn as if it was-"

"He's pure. I didn't smell any scent on him aside from his own. I wanted to know that as well in time but for now, his well-being is my priority", Kao look again to his sleeping mate.

"Wow, I can sense someone's gonna be whipped for his mate", Boun jokingly said before going outside Kao's room.

He just shake his head and carefully climb on the other side of the bed. His mate is cute compare to his built, white skin, red lips and brown eyes. An angel. Never thought that he will meet him this soon.

Kao carefully reach his mate's cheek, loving the warm and smile when the latter snuggle to his hand. Turn to his side. With a smile on his lips, he close his eyes.

Kao open his eyes and sit up, look at the side of the bed. As if he would see something there. Something's off and ge don't know what. It's the first time in his vampire life that he dream about something or is it someone. Boun and him talking about what? He is doing his best to recall his dream but he really can't remember anything.

I Always WillNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ