Drunk addison

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Bryce POV~
I was on my bed while just scrolling through TikTok because I was bored, also Addison was at her friends so i was all alone. Until I got a phone call it was Dixie I answered it "um hi Bryce Addison is drunk right now" "wait really" "yess get her she keeps tripping on things" I then heard Addisons laugh in the background. "Bryceeeee I miss youuu" I laughed "'l'll come get her" Dixie said okay and I hanged up.

I was on my to Dixie's apartment it was like 10:00pm so it wasn't that late. I soon made it to Dixie's apartment l knocked on her door until Dixie opened it. "Hi Bryce she's over there" she said while pointing at the couch I saw her she kept talking while laughing then she saw me "Bryceee I miss yOu why you come so late tho" she said while hiccuping. "Yeah okay miss were going home your drunk" "no am too tired". I then had to get her and pick her up "hey Bryce put me down" "nope your drunk so no"

We got in the car i put her in the car and then me. Then Addison said "Bryce I don't want to my seatbelt on" "Addison you have too Its for your own safety" "Nooo Yolo!!" she said while swinging her seatbelt off. " okay Addison how about this you could have ice cream when we get home deal?" "Hmm fine deal" she said.

Soon we made it home I opened the door for Addison she walked but she wasn't that drunk anymore but she kept tripping "okay Addison were home" "Bryce am tired like can we snuggle in bed pleaseeee" "okay Addison but first you have to get ready for bed" she nodded. Soon we were all ready for bed I could tell Addison was knocked out "you still want ice cream Addison" all she said was "noo am tired and come snuggle with me am cold like Elsa". I smiled then I went on the bed while me and Addison were snuggle I could see that she was all knocked out goodnight Addison" I said while kissing her head.

Addison POV~
I woke up I had the worst headache ever",I saw Bryce he was coming in with breakfast and some pills " hey how u feeling?" "Not good everything hurts" " well that's how hangovers are also here take Advil it will make the pain go away" he said while handing it to me I did and took a sip of water while swallowing it. " Bryce was I bad like horrible?" "Honestly no you were good" I smiled and said "am never getting drunk again".

Hey y'all I really hope you enjoyed this ❤️ and THANK YOU ALL FOR 8k literally insane i love you all so much and have a great day!! ❤️❤️

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