just two laddy lads pt. 2

732 24 115

(A/N: I apologize in advance)

Harry: "Hello!"

Louis: "Hello from the cooler one!"

H: "What? That was so uncalled for."

L: (mockingly) " 'That was so uncalled for.' Your FACE is uncalled for!"

H: "Louis! What has gotten into you?"

L: (with no chill) "Oh, I'll tell you what's gotten into me! That d--"

H: (scandalized) "oKAY! That's enough out of you. Welcome back to our podcast. Contrary to last month, I actually got to start it off."

L: (feisty) "Yeah, I didn't hear the end of it last time. 'Louis! I was supposed to do it!' 'Louis, we went over this already!' 'Louis, how many times have I told you tO PICK UP YOUR SOCKS!' I'm sorry, mom. I'll get to my socks eventually. I'm a very busy man--"

H: (not having it) "Boy."

L: "--man who doesn't have time for sock picking-up."

H: (distraught) "Please, they're everywhere."

L: "They most certainly are not."

H: "You keep thinking that, hun."

L: (to himself) "I'll hun your mum."

H: "I hate you so much."

L: (serious) "Last night you woke me up, crying because you--"

H: "Wait--"

L: (not waiting) "Because you had a nightmare that I died, and you didn't get to say goodbye. So you woke up, started shaking me, and you were like," (clears throat) "Lou, I love you so much. Louis wake up. Please, I love you, wahhhhh.' "

H: (glaring at Louis) "I did not say 'wahhhhh.' I can't believe you've said this."

L: "You did, and I even have a recording of it."

H: (shocked and afraid) "You have a recording of me from 2 in the morning?"

L: "Yup."

Louis' phone: "Louis? Louis, hey, I love you so much. Louis, wake up, come on. Please, Lou. Louis? Wahhhhh."

Louis: "See?"

Harry: (embarrassed) "Oh my God, moving on, I hate this."

L: "Let it be known that I was right."

H: "So--" (confusedly looking at a recent text from Louis) "Louis, what is this?"

L: "Hairless cats or raw chicken? We'll never know."

H: "God, I thought it was a chicken before I saw the head."

L: "See!"

H: "I hate everything but especially whatever made you send that to me."

L: (sending another photo; this one is a hairless cat looking at a pot of raw chicken) "The cat lost their friend."

H: "That picture is scarring."

L: (angrily) "Don't be disrespectful! The cat is at their friend's funeral!"

H: (shaking his head) "I can't with you."

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