don't trust him

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                                   The seven deadly sins.

In excess, w̶e̶'l̶l̶ they'll hurt people.

In excess, they could be fatal.

In excess, they would k i l l.

Nonetheless, in moderation, they're perfectly fine. They blend in and let people live normal lives.

I live a wonderful life. I'm full of passion and driven by desire. Not in excess, of course. I'm a man who seeks the greater things in life. I love life. Life is like a gift to me. Life is something precious, and I want it all.

Greed is a funny thing. It's a force of nature; what else would it be, and it's one of the safer ones. There's nothing wrong with wanting. Wanting, yearning, desiring; it's all part of human nature. What is a human without desire?

But yes, I want life. I want to live life; I want to experience all life has to offer. I want the lives of others in mine; I want whatever the ups and downs are of this thing we call life. Life, like many things, is very intricate. That being said, for someone like me, people like us, life is nothing more than another thing to be won. Or taken. Life is like putty in our hands as we mould it and shape it to our liking. Life is the beginning of death, and death is nothing more than me obtaining what I want.

When I met Louis, it was when I wanted love. Love, like life, is very intricate. But it differs in how it cannot be so easily moulded. Lust can be calculated, for the most part, and it is easy for them to succeed in what they want. Unlike Lust, however, Greed roots itself in everything. Humans crave intimacy. They desire the undesirable. They always seem to want what they can't have. All levels of greed; humans are no better than I. They're simply watered-down forms of the purest form of greed there is.

Louis, of course, wanted something as well. He wanted the chance to give love. He was overflowing with love; it seemed like a fair deal. He loves me; I feel loved. We both get what we want.

But again, as I said, love cannot be calculated. It took one year before I realized I was loved. It was an odd feeling. When I get what I want, my body runs cold. But feeling loved is something warm, and it so greatly contrasted my feeling of success. It didn't feel right, but then Louis asked if I was running sick, and the warmth overpowered any lingering victory.

It really was a wonderful year. Lots of love. Louis was very happy and it made me happy to know that I was contributing to it. We lived in a tiny little flat with exposed brick walls and house plants scattered around every room. I did like those plants. We kept them alive for as long as we could. When some of them died, though, that was lost life. I do specialize in helping lost life find new homes. I just want to help.

I think it was at the end of the year when my priorities changed. I no longer wanted love. Love was another force of nature, something with greater weaknesses than my siblings and me. Love can easily be torn apart by any one of us. In excess. Always in excess.

People who live by greed always want. They want, and they want until they eventually want it all. What encompasses all more than life itself?

I had never understood the depth of my abilities until this desire took over. I never knew that simply walking past something living would draw their life into me, helping lost life into a permanent body.

Taking life was never on my bucket list, but I wanted it so bad, and it would be hypocritical of me to deny myself that.

I do miss Louis. He was my first love. The person who made me feel more than just want. I'll live forever with the image of his life leaving his body in my head. So bright, so pure. So lovely and full. I'll always want him. That serves as my punishment for being so greedy, eternal life of unsatisfaction.

But that's just a minor inconvenience as want and desire are integral forces of nature. Unsatisfaction falls perfectly into life because everything here has a place.

I did say I wanted all life, after all.

You can't deny Greed of something he wants. Then you'd just be wanting me to stop. Just like I bet you didn't want me to kill Louis. You're all living with elements of me, darlings. Watered-down.

In the end, I just want you to be happy. Trust me.

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