06. She Sees Me

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On the second to last day of July, Eloise arrived at the Burrow early in the morning, she was welcomed into the home by Molly who had been expecting her. Molly had sent her an owl only a few days ago, the letter was sent to Shell Cottage and was signed to Eloise in Molly's beautiful but messy handwriting.

Initially Eloise was confused, she had no idea why Molly would be writing to her seeing as they had only met once before. But upon reading it she was thrilled, Molly had asked her to help with planning Bill and Fleur's surprise wedding anniversary party that coming weekend. The only problem was trying to prevent Fleur and her notorious nosiness from finding out about the party.

The first time Eloise had met the Weasleys was pleasant enough, if not a little awkward. Matters weren't made any better when arriving home that night because immediate Fleur began asking Eloise endless questions about George. She wanted to know what Eloise thought of him, what they talked about on their way to the shed, if she was interested in seeing him again soon. The only thing that stopped the interrogation was Bill, who gently ushered Fleur away from Eloise, mouthing the word "Sorry" to her while doing so.

Hiding the letter from Fleur was quite difficult, but Eloise managed to do so by using it as a bookmark for safe keeping. While Fleur was nosy, she knew not to touch Eloise's books or move them from the last spot they had been placed in. Eloise was incredibly excited to help Molly plan the party for them, especially since Bill and Fleur were just expecting a normal family dinner, nothing extravagant.

Intently leaning over a piece of parchment scrawled with party plans, Eloise and Molly were giddily discussing ideas when George emerged from the staircase carrying a trunk. He hadn't expected his mother to be awake already as she had formed a habit of sleeping later than usual, but what he really didn't expect to see was Eloise sitting there with her. He had no idea why she was there, he honestly didn't care, he was too focused on the fact that he now wouldn't be able to make a quiet escape without any questions.

The reason he had packed his trunk was to begin moving back into his flat above the shop, but he didn't want to be confronted by any family members about it. Of course he would tell them before he had completely moved out, he wasn't a rude man, but he didn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it.

The two witches hadn't noticed George enter the room at first, so he was free to observe them for just a moment. Molly had said something to Eloise as he entered the room that made her giggle as she tucked a stray piece of her wavy blonde hair behind her ear. The light from the sunrise shining through the window landed on her hair, causing it to look even more golden than it did the last time he saw her. His gaze fell on her lips as she smiled warmly at Molly, nodding in agreement of whatever she had suggested.

George admired her as she spoke with his mother, the two clicked right away and he could see what a kind and attentive person Eloise could be. It left him wondering why she seemed to act so differently around him, as if she wanted to completely avoid him. The thought caused a strange feeling to form in his chest, a combination of confusion and jealousy. Maybe she could tell that he was a broken man and didn't want to get involved with his baggage - he could understand that.

"Oh, good morning dear."

The voice of his mother broke his train of thought, he hadn't realized how long he had been staring at the blonde. He tried to shake her from his mind before replying to his mother.

"Morning mum. Eloise."

At the sound of his short greeting Eloise looked up at George, she gave him a quick polite smile before returning her full attention back to the parchment in front of her. George couldn't help but feel as though she was avoiding him again. He tried once more to get thoughts of her out of his head. Molly stood from the table as she saw the trunk in her son's hands. She looked him up and down with furrowed brows as she walked towards him.

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