34. Polaroids

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In his rush to escape from Verity, George quickly realized he actually had no idea if Alicia still lived in her flat on the northwest side of London.

So much had changed in just a year and half, from her appearance, to the end of their relationship, to Fred's death, and even Eloise coming into his life. They were both completely different people now and it only made sense for her to decide to start fresh somewhere else.

"Uh Alicia, do you still live in your flat on Nottingham Place?"

"No, I moved back to Surrey near my parents when we broke up." she replied.

George nodded with a sigh realizing he had no idea where she lived anymore so he couldn't safely apparate them there, "Right."

Even in her inebriated state, she seemed to notice him weighing his options, "I don't mind going to your flat, if that's what you were thinking."

The thought had crossed his mind, but he didn't want to seem forward or presumptuous when offering to take her home with him. The last thing he wanted to do was give her the wrong idea about his intentions. He had no desire to do anything with her other than give her a safe place to sleep.

But he knew he was overthinking. There was no harm in taking her back to the flat, especially since she said it was alright with her. It's not like she hadn't been there countless times before anyway.

George grabbed his wand from his back pocket and tightened his grip on Alicia's waist.

"Ready?" he asked her.

Alicia responded by wrapping her arm around him and gripping the back of his flannel shirt tightly. She glanced up at him and gave him a nod before George raised his wand slightly, apparating them straight into his living room.

If it wasn't for his grip on her waist, Alicia surely would have fallen over upon landing. The color drained from her face and he felt her sway a bit. He quickly helped her over to the armchair closest to them as she plopped down on it and dropped her head into her hands, letting out a groan as a wave of nausea consumed her. Apparition wasn't easy sober, but drunk it felt like your whole body was being turned inside out.

"I'll get you some water, okay?"

George quickly made his way to the kitchen, turning on a lamp on his way by. He kept a careful watch on the girl as he reached for a glass from the cabinet and filled it up with cold water.

When he made his way back he kneeled down by the armchair and ran a hand over her hair soothingly, "Drink it, okay? You'll feel like rubbish tomorrow if you don't."

Alicia responded with a groan, but she knew he was right. She brought her head away from her hands and sat up straight before grabbing the water from him with a mumbled "Thank you."

As she took grateful sips, George stood up and left the room, but Alicia remembered the layout of the flat well enough to know that he'd gone down the hallway and into his own bedroom.

After a brief moment he returned with a large pillow and a blanket that had been knit by Molly as well as an old t-shirt and sweatpants.

George was working like a machine, getting another glass of water for her, pulling extra cushions away from the couch to set up a bed for her and handing her the sleep clothes he'd gotten all while she merely sat back and observed.

Maybe it was because it felt natural for him to take care of Alicia, or maybe he just liked being the one to take care of someone for a change. But it oddly felt refreshing to be the worried one for once.

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