CHAPTER 13 - 14

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Chapter 13 – I've met a real beast (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Hans, Melissa, and Edon sat around the cauldron as they ate scorched rice and Sungnyung and chatted merrily.

"Sungnun? Seongneun? The name's really difficult to say but it's so delicious!"

"How can this drink be so savory? The moment I take a sip, I feel warm inside."

"It's just scorched rice but it's so delicious."

Seeing Edon eat the golden brown rice crust, Melissa said bitterly, "Sir Edon, aren't you eating too much?"

"Oh, I didn't even realize. My hands keep moving on their own."

"It's the precious food Her Highness made for us. Eat slowly."

"Yes, I will do so."

"And since it's cold, have some Sungnyung. You're going to choke at this rate."


They continued the conversation amicably. Eunhan returned to his mission again because it was unlikely that they would easily leave.

"You have to blow on it."

"It's so delicious."

"We ate a lot of delicious food today."

"This tastes the best!"

"You're lying because I made it, aren't you?"

"Ancia's cooking is the best."

The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess had a good time today.

Eunhan's life was threatened only because he had been chosen by the Black Dragon that was prophesied to drive the country to destruction, and eventually came to the far west continent.

His biological father, the Emperor, tried to kill him, and his mother lost her life because of him.

Prince Blake was cursed. The ugly inscriptions of the curse covered his whole body.

But Ancia liked the Crown Prince without a hint of reluctance.

Although the Emperor loved Blake very much, he was the prince's biological father so that was expected. But Ancia was completely sincere and treated the prince affectionately even though she was still young.

Children were naive and honest, but cruel to a degree. They liked pretty things and hated hideous things. It was difficult for a child to bear such feelings, even for adults.

But Ancia was different.

She took Blake seriously.

'Would my future have changed if I had someone like that?'

While Eunhan was lost in thought, Ancia suddenly turned her head toward him. Eunhan was hiding his appearance using magic. However, he was distracted for a moment so the magic had wavered.

Fortunately, she only sensed his presence but he didn't get caught. He left the dining room again using magic.

The Crown Princess headed for the Emperor's Palace with a huge smile on her face.

This was an opportunity. Eunhan hurried back to the Emperor's Palace.


After Ancia left the office, the Emperor called for Eunhan. At the call of his master, he straightened up and appeared.

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