Chapter 7

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You held hands while walking along the river trail. The sun shone down on you and him while the gentle breeze shook the leaves and both of your hair. The trail soon got too small steps over the river. Sinclair let go of your hand and started to jump from one step to another, the river bubbling and flowing against the flat rocks. You hopped onto one of the steps and jumped with him from one to the other. Suddenly you slipped and fell into the cool water. Sinclair looked in shock and jumped back, picking you up from the water. You started to laugh as Sinclair pulled you into him, your hair was in your face and he pushed your hair out of your face.

"You are wet" he said.

"Wow Sherlock" you said laughing. "Hadn't noticed."

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Just shaken" you said.

"At least it is sunny" he said. "You can dry off while we walk"

"I am a little embarrassed though" you murmured. "Being wet and all"

Sinclair grinned, took his phone out of his pocket and his wallet and jumped into the water, he looked up at you, coking his head at you laughing. "It's cool" he said. "Very refreshing"

"You are an idiot" you said laughing, getting into the water with him.

Sinclair got some water and splashed it into you. You laughed and splashed him back, the water creating little rainbows as the sun hit it. After a little while, you stood up and pulled him up onto the stones. He picked up the phone and his wallet and together you went over to the other side, back onto the grassy pathway. Sinclair found your hand again and laced his fingers in yours as you walked. The water slowly dried in the warm sunlight, the water dripping off both of you slowly, making you shiver gently. Sinclair was smiling peacefully, he looked like a wet labrador and you found it adorable, especially his hair which plastered to his face.

The pathway soon opened to find a little picturesque postcard town. You both went onto the empty road, passing shops and houses with beautiful gardens until you got to a little bakery. At this point, your clothes had mostly dried and together you went into the shop.

"Good day Mr Sinclair" the man said behind a small counter.

"Good day" Sinclair answered.

"Who is this lovely lady?" he asked.

"I'm (y/n)" you said

The baker looked at you and Sinclair and smiled brightly.

"Could we have a table for two?" Sinclair asked.

"Of course" the baker said, guiding you both to a small table in the corner of the shop next to the window with a view of the road and the beautiful gardens on the other side of the street. You tore your eyes away from the window and looked at the menu. Afternoon teas jumped out at you, especially the ones with champagne.

"This one?" he asked, pointing to the champagne afternoon tea.

"Sounds awesome" you said.

You ordered it and now you sat, watching each other from each side of the table. "You are still dripping wet" you said laughing as a drop fell from his hair and onto the floor. Sinclair got the paper towel and dabbed his head, taking some of the water off it.

"Better?" he asked.

"Well water isn't dripping anymore" you said.

Sinclair placed the wet paper towel onto the table and you looked around the room. The place was filled mostly with older people who looked at you and Sinclair with odd looks, they must not have seen two people who had fallen into the river before. You looked back at Sinclair who had been looking at your face in wonder as you looked around, he found you to be so beautiful and the way your eyes lit up and how you tucked your hair behind your ear.

"What?" you asked, going red, seeing Sinclair watching you. "Is there something on my face?"

"Nope" Sinclair said. He tapped your foot with his and grinned. "You know this bakery won the best bakery of England last year" he said, pointing to a small award in the window.

"That's awesome" you said. "I had no idea. Well I am glad I can experience it with you" you grinned and Sinclair smiled.

The afternoon tea was placed in front of you and you grinned at the amount of food on it. You grabbed a sandwich and ate it slowly. The stand blocked your view of Sinclair so you leaned over to see him. You waved and he waved back, he had the champagne to his lips and took a sip of the drink. You looked the other way and Sinclair smirked. "Quite a view blocker isn't it" he said, looking through the stand to see you. He tapped your foot again and you tapped his foot back.

"This is wonderful" you said. "Thank you for introducing me to this bakery"

"Your welcome darling" he said, his pet name for you rolled tongue off the tongue and he didn't seem fazed as you went red."If I find something good then I like to share it" he said.

"So what about movies?" you asked. "What movies would you suggest?"

"I suggest Citizen Kane" he said, poking his head around the stand. "Truly, madly, deeply is another. But" he took a bite of food. "It makes me cry" he admitted.

"Aww" you said. "Then we must watch it"

"How about tonight?" he asked. "We can get some popcorn and snacks then try not to fall in the river again"

"That sounds wonderful" you said, grinning.

"I thought I would start a diet" he said. "Howeverrrr" he groaned. "I can start tomorrow"

"Tomorrow" you said. "For now we should we can eat whatever we want" Sinclair grinned and nodded at your statement, taking another triangle sandwich from the stand.

Together you ate the food and drank the champagne until everything was finished and you were both completely dry from the water. Now you both sat opposite each other as the stand was moved and the baker came over to the table. "Would you like the bill?" he asked and you both nodded.

You put some cash on the table which was a little wet and Sinclair put the rest of the money owed on the pile. The baker nodded and took the cash. "Thank you for your patronage" he said smiling. "And I hope you both have a wonderful rest of the day"

"You too" you said smiling.

Sinclair stood and you went after him, out of the cafe and down the street towards a small off licence where you went around, picking up crisps and drinks for the movie. Piling them all at the cashier you put them in a bag and left the store, holding hands. "Back to the house?" he asked.

You nodded and together you walked back to his house.

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