Chapter 18

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It's been a long time she's been gone. Everyone keeps insisting me to look into the combat field. I do it time to time and let them know Sera's fine and the actual beating up is taken by Shylock. He really didn't know whom he was provoking. 

I had come back to her scream, along with Roland and Ion. But the sight I walked in on pained my heart. I saw my best friend lying lifelessly on the floor and my love crying hysterically.

I was beyond confused and shocked. Shabin was winning how can this even happen! I expressed the same and she tried to read his mind, look at the last memory he had. And so she did. She was furious and announced war, immediately Alastair appeared to calm her down. All in vain.

She went off to fight while we were commanded to prepare for war and it's almost done. Supreme had got off almost immediately after the announcement. 

After things were cooled down. Dakota was consoled and made to drift into a very necessary sleep keeping in mind she was a mortal. We left Eric with her, since he can figure out her feeling more than us. He made her sleep comfortably as Moon arranged a natural bed made of leaves, twigs and flowers. 

We all were devastated. I keet looking at my best friend's body, that Sera has placed in the protection of her Roux. 

Roland and I look at each other but divert vision just like Sera had warned Shabin. We both look at our best friend our eyes tearing up. 

"I thought if I vote for him, he'll be motivated, I never knew it will lead to this. I am so sorry, guys!" Ion breaks down the moment he walks up to us. 

We both rush to his side and we guys share a bro-code hug. 

"no one is to be blamed. It's okay Ion. Don't worry. It's all gonna be easy one day." Roland shows us a way to hope, but all I see is a light that burns me in this darkness.

However much I need hope and light in my life right now, even the thought of having any hurts me. I want to stay in this dark and mourn my best friend. 

"I wonder if Sera's handling it." Ion speaks out of a blue. "She's spitting it out at Shylock. The cause of her brother's death. The last time I saw, they both were tired. I think today will be the day Shylock will start running for his life."

"She'll fulfil her prophecy in the most painful way, right?" Roland questions.

"Yes" I sigh. I know her well enough she won't spare a killer. Especially when he killed her only celestial family member and that too by breaking law.

"Hey how exactly did she get to know? She wasn't here she was with the Contrive. Not here, this was where the army was but they too had shifted to another place." Roland points out. 

"Let's go and dig." I say and the three of us walk off.


"Moon! We wanna know." We whine in front of Mary and Nat. "Why do you want to know, huh?" Nat snaps. I pass her a look.

"Look we are all upset about his death and we need to put our mind off it for sometime. How did she come across Shabin?" Roland asks. The three of us put up our puppy faces to which she finally melts.

She sighs as if collecting her strength and takes us to flashback.

"She was speaking with the Contrive and the Supreme. Planning and all. We were standing at the back ensuring the code to be followed. Suddenly she clutched her chest right over her heart and started sweating like anything.  

We were all worried and asked her if she was okay. Nat and I suggested her to take a break that's when we came out and were walking when she confessed her feelings. She said she felt someone snatching her loved one from us. She told us about the feeling that she was having ever since we came back from Shabin's memory. 

She was so worried, so we distracted her by talking about different things. When suddenly Peter came running. His face showed his wrecked up emotions. Tear stricken face, quivering lips, slouched figure, tired breathing. She was catastrophic. We asked him what happened and he simply bailed on us by crying.

We looked at each and then at Sera, who was standing there rooted to her place. We shook her to bring her back to her senses that's when she shot off and ran behind Peter. 

Peter was found to be standing near a body lying on the floor. His shaky physique told us whatever it was, was related to Sera and the body.

She looked shattered. Took slow steps towards him and when she saw it she didn't say anything for a long time in the mean time Nat and I we called for everyone to pay their last respect to the Music of Night. Whatever followed after that is known to you." She ended with deep sigh. Controlling herself from crying all over again.

"But one thing I still didn't understand. Why would she secure his body? She should have let him shoot. This is basically denial of his death." Kenn speaks up walking towards us. Followed by Iris, Peter, Karen, Eric, Rose, Guide Kassie and the Alcald Mains. 

I stand up to embrace the inconsolable mother, and the others. 

"I know why she did that." Guide Kassie confesses. 

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