Chapter 3

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"He was.. so big.. so dark, he took both of them he just opened that portal and just walked.. walked with them, he hit them and they.. they were unconscious, Scar, who was he, who's Sera he said.. said she.. she is my sister.. Scar I don't know anything!" and Sam broke down. 

I look at Scarlett. She is caressing Sam's hair, and rocking back and forth with occasional shushes and calming words. Soon Sam's wailing reduces to tears. She supports her to stand up and Scarlett walks her into their room which Nat and Moon have already cleared.

She walks out silently. "She's asleep, she was tired, and scared, she's sleeping." She says. That's all. With the swish of her finger everything returns to it's original place, repaired as new.

"The more broken things she'll see, the more scared she'll be." I don't know why but she spared the blood stains on the floor.

She silently walks into the kitchen and comes back with a bucket in one hand and a cloth in another.
Her silence is odd.
I had expected her to be angry, furious but it's absolutely different. She's stoic and cold about all this.

She walks towards the blood spot and kneels down weakly. Why is she behaving like a stone?

She dips the cloth in water and starts wiping off the blood, her hands are shaking, but her face doesn't show even a pinch of worries.

"Scarlett are you okay?" Kenn asks her. She simply nods all the while looking down.

Hey... Are you really okay?

Absolute silence. She is wiping the blood off as if it's not blood on floor but blood on her parent's bodies.

"Scarlett, will you say anything?" Rose finally breaks the silence and voices the question of every person's mind. Something about her tone ticks me off, how can she snap at her?

She looks up, red eyed, fuck she scared me!

"What do you want to know!? What do you want me to say? I am just tired of all of this! Rose, I know your father sacrificed himself in the war and that you expect me to take its responsibility and fight for the sake of our martyrs. 

But am absolutely done with losing the people I love just because am created for the greater good! Until when should I ignore the fact that I am always expected to give and be this strong stoic stone as if nothing gets to me and nothing is capable of affecting me!"
She shouts.
She has been bottling all of this since a long time, I know about this. She told me what she felt about this.

"How can you be so self-absorbed Sera?" Trish says.
I know what's on the way. Am sorry Trish, I understand that you guys expect her to be responsible of everything since she is the heir and it is her duty but you are wrong here.

"You call me selfish? How about I tell you my mere creation was for the purpose of fulfilling a duty! How about I tell you Darren has been torturing life out of me! How about I tell you am tired of having these souls screaming inside me keeping me up all night! Or wait I'll show you what it really is having all of them speaking in me!"
She yells, hot tears pouring out of her eyes.
Suddenly she closes her eyes and her glow returns again! The scary glow I hate.

We all hear murmurs, thousands of people speaking something or the other. The Freya trying to suppress all of them but herself being suppressed by Guide Rector.

"Listen to me! I am the creator! You are made of me not vice versa!" She yells at Sera. I see Sera's body standing at one spot lifelessly.

"Sera, give me peace, free me from this circle of life and death" her father tells her.

"Your Highness, avenge my death, I have sacrificed it for you!" Someone begs her.

"Hey Sera! You are one of the best people I know! I'll never leave your side!" A kid tells her.

"You have changed! Ever since you were crowned you have stopped seeing us!" A girl tells her.

" I love you Sera, choose me as your companion, I can give you all the powers of the world." A guys confesses, liar!

And so many more voices all at once! This is what happens inside her head? Is that how she goes to sleep? With all these voices? How? I look at her the real her and my eyes fill up with pride of how strong my girl is yet so sensitive when it comes to us.

I stride across the room and touch her. I embrace her unable to control myself anymore. The spell breaks down and she falls down on the ground but I provide a cushion for her.

"Sheldon, I need them both. They are mortals they won't be able to handle Darren's harshness. They have no role in this." My girl breaks down, finally the stone is gone.

"I want everyone out, only those who really care for her stay back!" I shout eyeing Trish. This girl is so fragile and they just keep testing how much.

"Why are you shouting on us, Sheldon? We have a war ahead of us and she's throwing all these tantrums!" Who the fuck said this, I wanna punch him on his face!

I look up furiously, "I would say this again and for the last time, everyone out!" I say firmly. Everyone, except Nova, Mary, Shabin, Eric, Kenn, Rose, Roland, Peter, is gone.

I am surprised about how they treat her.


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