Chapter 24

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I will not spare her this time. She is always careless! She hurt me. This time its beyond the control of my heart to forgive her. She has to show me she cares. I want to be pampered, chased, taken care of, spoilt, showered with love and what not by her. 

Yes I am baby who needs attention. I am a toddler who's favorite candy was snatched from.

"I know am pouting!" I whine at Iris when I see her laughing at me. "You look so cute, Shel!" She giggled while clicking a picture of me.

I shoot her glare.

"Alright alright. So, how many more minutes is this angry snowman mode of your gonna last now?" She quoted Scarlett's recently discovered nickname for me. She was there when she was apologizing to everyone. Everyone except me, mind you. I don't know when my name pops up in her "the people I owe an apology to" list.

"Will you stop being grumpy?" She asks me. "No I won't, not until she comes and gives me my share of apologies." I make a puppy face. She bursts out laughing while I couldn't help but laugh with her too.

"Are we really laughing while Darren is seething in the Sky?" She laughs harder. I walk to her and hug her tight.

"I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you." I tell her still hugging her.

"I don't know either." She snuggles more into me. I tighten my hold around my sister and I plant a kiss on her forehead. How I missed my little one all this time we were separated.


"What?" I shout on the phone. "Yeah, you gotta come here, Eric is quite sick." Roland informs me on the phone.

"I'll be there with Iris in 15." I inform him and hang up.

"Eric's ill, we gotta hurry, get in the car." I drag her to the car and drive as fast as possible.

"What the hell happened to him?" I yell across the hospital yard when I spot Ion walking to and fro.

"There you are! Come with me." He takes hold of my arm and drags me, Iris following us closely.

He pulls me to a dark place, and I realize too late I walked right into a trap.

I walked into an illusion. The whole way I thought I was driving to the hospital, Natalie was leading me somewhere else.

The moment pitch darkness surrounds me I find myself in complete isolation.

"Sera!" I murmur.

Everything lightens up, I look around and find out that this is all an illusion. The sea shore, the stage, its the exact copy of the birthday Shabin and I organized together.

I look around but soon feel a tug at my hand. I look in the direction and see Sera standing in front of me with a puppy face.

"I am sorry, love." She says softly. However much I love this I will not melt.

"Not forgiven." I take my hand back. "Natalie I need you to end this illusion. Now!" I shout out.

I walk towards Roland, angry. "Next time, don't lie about my close one's well being." I grit my teeth. I glance at Scarlett one last time.

I don't wanna walk away. She's looking so cute in her jumpsuit and all these decorations are just breathtaking. She put so much effort into this. 

But I have to. And I will. Deep breathe Sheldon, take a deep breath. 

The moment the illusions fade, I groan. I am standing in my garden! I shoot Nat a look and turn around and walk inside the house as fast as possible.

I shut the door behind me and lean against it. I can't help but smile like an idiot. Finally! I spotted love in her eyes. After so long I spotted the selfless love in her eyes I was missing so badly. 

I used to see love in her eyes all the time but that love was to take all from me. That was the selfish kind, today I saw the emotions my Sera had. 

I hear distant murmurs once I calm my raging thoughts, can't afford to let her know am beginning to melt already.

They are still in the backyard! I focus on hearing what they are talking about. 

"He won't budge!" Ion groans. "I knew he won't, that's why I was asking all of you to keep it low-key. But you guys went overboard by lying about Eric's health! I told you he would get angrier about it." 

They shouldn't have lied about it, that's something I will have to talk to them about after this is over. Iris and I we were so worried about him and here these maniacs were faking it all.

"Alright alright I am sorry! What now?" I hear Eric. What!? This lie was his plan? He's definitely dead.

"Not here, our conversation is not private." Rose hisses. She knows? 

"Of course she knows dumbass! She is your best friend, if she won't know who will?" I hear Iris.

"When did you get here?" I was here only until you sat in that care with the illusion me." She giggles. 

"Traitor!" I whine. "You are my sister first!" This is unfair.

"What? If I am your sister first then she's the goddess even before that!" Iris laughs and walks away.

"Ohh so this is how she got everyone on her side." Orion walks in. Along with Peter, Dakota, Kenn, Guide Kassie and her dad.

"Guess what? I just got a trump card!" I grin at the people in my team, especially her dad. 

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