Chapter 20

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I can't believe what happened. Today, Sera wasn't the star I knew, she wasn't the heir or the Goddess, today she was fierce but forgiving, she was harsh but kind. She killed one of her people, that too with the most painful weapon, the Trident. 

Yet once he had died she let him shoot with dignity. That's the rule, culprits are not allowed to shoot. After the death of a star, for them to shoot, the Goddess has to absorb their stardust. Stardust is star blood in human language.

She, unlike Sera, shut Karen up when she tried to remind her of law. Sera is the law.

She paid no heed to Shylock's begging, had it been some other day she would have forgiven immediately.

She is too vulnerable right now. The only person who can console her about Shabin's death is Shabin. 

I never tried to intervene when it was about the two of them. Most of the court members were confused at first about Shabin and Sera's relationship. I remember one of the courtier had asked Guide Rector if the king and queen had bore another child.

It was hilarious not coz of the lack of knowledge of the person but because for once even the other guides wished it was true.

They used to spend time together, whenever Darren and Merlita had a heated conversation or things got worse or Sera needed a break everyone knew where to find her, not with Moon, not with Nova, not with me but with Shabin in the Library of Void. 

They were inseparable. Everyone knew of the promise Shabin made to her. The promise of never leaving her side. It was her birthday. Darren went missing, off to some mischief we got to know later, and Merlita was drowned in her miseries that she forgot it was her only child's birthday.

Shabin took matters into his hands and arranged for a beautiful party by Darya's calming water.

Amidst all those preparations gift was long forgotten. I remember how much fun Shabin and I had preparing everything. 

"You look like a hundred horses walked over you!" Shabin had laughed at me. "And you look like Sera fed you all the leftovers of today's party." I had made fun of him.

" Hey that's pending!" He shrieked when he noticed an undecorated patch. "I got that. You prepare the cake." We both had nodded. And left.

Later when Sera had arrived, she looked detached. He just went to her hugged her and consoled her. When they parted, she had a million dollar smile plastered on her face.

This was Shabin's magic. Soon she asked for her gift and he kneeled in front of her. Everyone thought he was going to propose her and were disheartened. But he had his own ways.

"Kiddo, I can only gift you one thing, a promise. I promise to always be by your side no matter what." He nodded at her and continued. "Sera, till date I haven't bowed in front of any girl except maybe once in front of mom. You are the only girl I kneeled in front of, be it for tying laces or giving horse back rides or today to promise a shoulder to share sorrow for eternity." Her eyes shone with happiness and overwhelming pride for her brother.  

I come out of my memory lane when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and Guide Kassie gives me an assuring smile. She brings her hand close to my face and wipes the tears that took the opportunity to leave my eyes.

"We all miss him. Listen what I am about to tell is pretty important. It's about Sera." I instantly come back to business mode and we both walk away from the spot.

"Sheldon, Sera knows her powers now. She understands them and also remembers what all she is capable of. Absorbing Shylock's stardust is a mere step." She leaves me confused. "Step? To what?" I ask.

"Sheldon, she's planning on bring Shabin back. Ion told me just now that she has preserved Rector's body the same way in Philippines. This war is an opportunity to bring both of them back. No one can question her if she brings them to life. She spoke to Moira, Shabin was supposed to be alive. His death is against what's planned." She clarifies. These revelations are really shaking me up.

Bringing the dead to life? "How? Guide, as far as I know there's no way to do so." 

"Sheldon, it's possible if you are the Goddess and the Creator's reincarnation. Both the stars will need three sacrifices each. For Rector she has already killed the Alcald who betrayed her and her father. And since Shabin and Rector are connected by a bonding of Heart, they can share the sacrificed lives. Which means only three more stars have to die at her hands to bring them back to life. " She explains to me. 

"No, wait. Three more?" 

"Sheldon, after Rector's death Scarlett killed the Alcald and now she has killed Shylock. Shabin wasn't dead when she killed the Alcald so they can't share that sacrifice but Shylock's? A clear yes. So to bring Rector back she has to kill one more star on their name while to bring Shabin back, two more, given she doesn't kill a common enemy." Oh no. 

"Guide, am so grateful to you for the help. If she is up to this we need to know whether she is risking herself or not.

If she is then I have to talk her out of it. I know we all need Guide Rector and Shabin but not at the cost of our Goddess. Am sorry Guide Kassie, but we have to do it if that's the case." 

"I agree with you. I have lost my husband and son, I can't pay my daughter to get them back." I hug her briefly and take my leave briskly.

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