Chapter 9

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They nod their heads with reluctance.

They won't take any excuses, now I know it for sure. 
So I continue

First, Moon will forget all that we had forever because she supported me using her memories about me as a shield to Darren's accusations.
Second, everyone who thought Sheldon and I deserved to make at least one decision for ourselves and our life, will seize to live in the Sky. They will all live on Earth, they'll have their powers but they can never return to the court.

"Nova, Shabin and of course the guides will all be sent to Earth and will remember everything, they'll be free from the cycle of reincarnations but they can never return to Sky until the curse is forgiven or broken. They will not suffer like the Banished.

Third, the people who had stood by certain sides, stars like Trish and Rose, will be sent to Earth too, they will remember everything but if one day they have a change of heart they unlike the others will be unable to change the course of Moira. This is what led to the war of Mendenhall Ice caves. This is why when we were fighting everyone had different feeling. Feeling of suffocation. Iris was trying to fight it that day since she had come to Sheldon while at that time she didn't support him.

The fourth Sheldon and I, the root of the curse will feel the same emotion till eternity, being caught in a cycle of life and death. I will burn like the Sun, sustaining that energy inside me like a concentrated star. Sheldon, will be stoic and cold, like frozen points of the sky, like the icy cold black hole. We will crave for the opposite feeling, he will crave for aggression and I for calmness. We will represent the opposites due to our unity that annoyed Darren. 

We stood there holding hands, united and strong that is why he cursed us separation, which is the last part.

Fifth, the cycle. Sheldon and I will never unite, he will seize to remember me and anything regarding me. He will suffer Lacuna, and the day he'll kiss me my soul will produce energy with a force that will turn my mortal body to ashes and my soul will escape it. My soul will watch the agony of my love and then my love will remember me. The only moments he'll know who he and I are will be the moments of agony and pain. Sheldon not being able to bear the loss will lose his memories and everytime Nova helps in that. She creates an illusion in his mind due to which his memories stay in his mind but hidden, buried.
I on the other hand look at him being turned to infant turn away and roam around the globe to find a body where my soul can reside.

After that Moira plays dirty games to bring us together. In this lifetime she played the dirtiest.
After that what happened I don't know." I narrate as much as I know.

"Sera. The petrified souls?" What souls?
I drop a look at Shabin, confused.
"I'll take on from here. Guys after the curse was announced. Some supporters were infuriated. They announced war and Darren took the power in his hands, didn't let Goddess Merlita do anything and petrified them.
I still remember what he looked like and what he spat in anger that day." I know he's searching his memories for the accounts of that day. He has closed his eyes. A soft tune starts playing, its origin being my brother.

I sign both Nova and Moon to close their eyes and feel the music.

I find myself drowning in the beats of the music. It's like voice of raindrops hitting the ground, soft but fierce.

The image of the court starts forming infront of my eyes. I know I can open my eyes now. I am in his mind now.

I open my eyes to find myself in the court. In his memory, I am able to see everything through Shabin's eyes.

"This is unfair!" Sounds like these break my trance. "Speak up Shabin!" "Everyone deserves love!" "Shabin your sister is cursed for an unjustifiable reason. Say something!"

I turn to see his pained expression. I touch his shoulder and he jumps in surprise. "Oh.. oh it's you. Oh am sorry. It's you yes it's you."
"What are you blabbering Bin. Who else will be here other than us!"

"Sera I can explain. I was too numb to react. My baby my little girl was cursed for something that was not be cursed but to be rejoiced. I am so sorry Sera. I apol-" I put my hand on his mouth to shut him up.

"I understand Shabin, relax. I know it might have been difficult. You don't have to justify it! Why did you hide all of this? You would have felt terrible after these accusations."
I cry out when the angry voices turn to accuse my brother.

He instantly hugs me and I happily reciprocate the love.
"It's alright, Bin. All's okay. Don't worry. This suffering will end soon." I tell him and he smiles.

"You soothe me, sissy." I smile warmly at his confession. "Now let's see what happened, shall we?" Moon brought us back to the court.

"Enough!" Roared Darren. "Your drama is way too much for me to bear!" His voice shook the pillars of the court.

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