Chapter 19

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We have been fighting for so long it seems this will never end. 

But I am expecting him to provoke me again. "What happened got tired?" He mocks me to prove me right. "Thinking that rat was not worth the energy you put in this combat, darling? I am so glad he'd dead." My eyes shoot up. All the exhaustion turn into rage, the last string that held on to my patience wears off immediately.

"You have disrespected my brother, Shylock." I roar.

I summon my trident. He looks at me, bewildered. The sky becomes a dark shade of red, rumbling and lightning begins. I look at him with death in my eyes. 

He takes a step back. "Look around Shylock. The sky is red. The lightening is roaring, tearing the clouds soon it will be the ground." My voice echo as he starts running. I fly to take my place right in front of him. He looks at me shocked.

"Let's go, Shylock, we have a prophecy to fulfil." I tell him angrily and drag him with me to the altar of the sky, to Araceli. 

"No Sera, no, please, am sorry I beg  you please Sera." His cries receive a deaf ear from me. I have forgiven him many times. But the wound is too deep this time. 

This is for you Shabin. I will bring life back to you brother. I promise, I will. 

I keep on dragging him. We come out of the combat field and the stars present there bow down looking at my fierce self. 

I know they are following us, they want to witness the prophecy being fulfilled. I walk past the school and our homes. 

I know the mortals won't remember a thing, they can't see us I am visible to only those who know me, who know the stars, who are a member of Court. 

I drag him to the moonlight Mountain. I pull him to forward with force and throw him at Shabin's feet.

I spot all the stars have assembled behind us. I close my eyes and focus on staying in the air. I look at Shylock with pure fury and hatred. He falls at my feet and begs for mercy. 

"Araceli, I call for you!" I summon the altar of the Sky. 

Instantly, Araceli appears in front of me. "I bow to you, Rhiannon." She bows deeply before rising again and look at Shylock.

"I am ready to be the witness of the súton." She nods at me.

"Súton?" I hear Eric ask behind my back. "The approach of death of a star." Mary answers him silently.

"No, please, Araceli, I beg you please I beg mercy. I underestimated her. I disrespected her, I abused the rights and powers given to. I see her true soul today, I can see who she really is. I beg forgiveness. Please Araceli help me." Shylock begs at her feet.

'The day the sky will roar and become red and it will tear the grounds of the sky with it's lightening, that day you will run till the altar of the sky and yet would be killed'

My words start echoing around us and the sky tears up with lightening bolts. The red depicting my rage. Shylock has run to the altar, to Araceli.

I pick up my trident, the fire encircling it entirely. I look at his and he accepts his death. 

The moment his body hit the ground I summon my trident back. I point at his dead and lifeless physique and absorb his stardust. 

"I thought he won't be allowed to shoot. Sera, absorbing his stardust is for stars who are not killed by you. This is unfair." Karen speaks from behind me.

"I know what I am doing, Lacerta." I snap at her with her celestial name.

"Yet I am doing this because he truly was guilty when he died. He had let go of his ego, evil and jealousy. He accepted his mistakes and accepted his death peacefully." I clarify.


The Alcaldes are ready for war. I look at my brother lying on the fiery bed I created for him. I hate to see him like this.

"I know what you are up to Sera." Guide Kassie places her hand on my shoulder. I turn around and embrace her quickly.

"Guide, he promised me to never leave me alone. It is not his time to die. It isn't. Even Moira said that his life wasn't supposed to finish yet. I will do everything in my power to bring him back." I let go of the hug and without responding I leave. 

If I see her I'll surely tell her what I am up to.

I am walk away towards the top and sit there silently. My tears making their way down my cheek. I have covered my traces no one will be able to trace me. It's almost midnight. 

The moon is shining brightly, it's a full moon today, I notice. The stars that shine are distant yet so close to me.

"Bin! Find me!" I giggled. "I will kid, you just wait and watch." He laughed too. I was hiding inside the opening of a hollow tree. The tree bears beautiful flowers, some are blue some are mix of blue and violet. Yet it is hollow. I was hiding inside it, when I felt a tug on my arm and saw my brother had caught me.

"How did you catch me! Bin you spoilt my plan!" I whined like a child but laughed later.

"You thought I won't be able to catch you? I will always find you Kiddo!" He had smiled at me. "But won't be able to now!" I laughed and flapped my wings soaring high into the infinity.

He had followed me and we had spent the day together laughing at each other's stupidity. He had made me some cloud floss or so he had called it. It was completely inedible yet we had pretended to enjoy it.

By the night we had settled ourselves by the shores of Darya. "Do you think they might have resolved their fight by now?" I had asked my brother while my eyes shone with the light of the moon. 

"Yeah maybe. Come on. I'll drop you home." He had distracted for the whole day while Darren and Merlita fought.

I screw my eyes shut shutting my tears completely out of my eyes. 

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