Chapter 28

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I didn't even know this is what she is. I underestimated her suffering! 

"This is the anguish, hurt, pain, sorrow everything that comes with the souls I absorb, with all the births we took together. 

They burn me because my magic fails to protect me from me." She confesses.

"This is a lot to take in. I never knew you had this side to yourself. Hey, wait, lemme fix that first." I discharge my ice at her feet but the more I try to lace her feet the more it burns her. 

"Don't try it Shal. They live on in me, they have emotions and trying to save me from their wishes, unfinished businesses, only upsets them more and they hurt me more." She tells me with her eyes tired.

"No. I am The Heart, there's nothing I can't fix about you!" I huff. I hold her close, link our fingers together and I start injecting my ice into her fiery fingertips. She looks up at me, mesmerized with the feeling of calm. 

I see the fire relaxing. With my other hand I discharge my ice, not frozen shafts, ice as in snowflakes. I sprinkle them over the floor and the walls. 

She is looking at me constantly. They burn her only because they are a part of her I didn't have access to. According to our curse Sera symbolizes desperation and aggression. One's unfinished business only triggers the combo. These souls have something or the other reason to be unsettled. 

These souls exist only because she wants them to. It is her thinking that these souls deserve to punish her. With my ice, these souls will find calmness and ultimately peace.

 I place my hand on her cheek as she relaxes herself in my hold. Her face is glowing but not in the way it looked almost ablaze earlier.

I discharge my calm into her cheek too. She closes her eyes and relaxes all of herself against me. 

"Open your eyes, love." I tell her. She pulls back and looks straight into my eyes. "Thank you." I say. "I should be the one saying that." She counters softly.

"I know you brought me here on purpose. You wanted me to help you, you wanted me to do something for you. All this while you suffered my death and never ever did you complain about it. You never asked anything from me except love but today you asked for love that was laced with vulnerability. You never like to show it but you did it today. You showed me your raw side after so long. And this is the only gift I'll ever want." She silences me with her finger once I finish with the sentence.

"That's not it." She whispers but doesn't continue too. 

She takes a look around. "You gave this room another definition Shalom." She says as she enjoys the beauty of fire and ice uniting. 

The beautiful scene where my ice binds her fire and her fire frees my ice all the same. The utmost expression of our souls being one.

She hugs me and I find myself overjoyed by Sera's affection.


"No one called yet, like no one!" I whine. "Stop being a crybaby Sheldon!" Iris groans and throws a pillow at me. "How can I not! Have you no sense? It's my birthday and no one, not even my best friend let alone my girlfriend have wished me." Yes, she did gift me her real self but she didn't say it was my birthday gift. 

Lemme see how they survive my wrath once we get back to the Sky. The Sky. How I miss home. And mother, she must be trembling with desperation to come to me and be with me today.

"Sheldon? I need you to help me with this spell!" Iris yells from her room. I walk to her room.

"Which spell?" 

"I want to open a portal but..." She trails off. "Okay... where do you wanna go?" I ask her.

"To the Moonlight Mountain meeting spot." Odd. I smell something fishy.

"Okay. Focus on your location, it's surroundings, your level of necessity to be there. Concentrate at the spot between your eyebrows. Now raise your arms parallel to the ground and fold the ring finger of your right hand. Focus Ris. Now transfer your magic to your fingertips and focus on releasing it while focusing on your location. Yes.... yes... getting there... Great! The portal is ready, sissy!" I teach her.

"Let's go!" She says. More fishy!

It's dark and I sense Sera. No. That's not Sera. That's the essence of her. That's the.... dagger?

"Ris? Why are we here?" I nudge her. She shushes me and keeps moving.

"Iris. I can sense the Creator's Dagger here. WHY ARE WE HERE!" I am losing my calm. I hate this dagger. 

Suddenly I see illusions rising around me. Nat is here too. I calm down and close my eyes. I feel light glowing around me as my eye lids strain to avoid that light.

I open my eyes and I see a huge 'Happy Birthday, Heart' hanging in front of me. "SURPRISE!" All of them yell.

"I thought you guys forgot." I laugh. I put away the worry about the dagger for now because the one I am really concerned about is standing right in front of me and until I find this dagger I am not gonna let her out of my sight. 

"Okay now, sit!" Eric orders me. Huh? "It's my birthday, moron!" I laugh off.

We all sit and Eric walks up the stage. "I don't really know what am supposed to say but I will say something. Sheldon slash Shalom you are my best friend and I will give up nothing if I have to bear you for one more lifetime. This one is enough for me to last a millennia! Also, from what I have heard, you have a habit of dying young." He laughs, only he has the capacity to turn such a painful moment into a funny thing for me. 

I love him for that. All he's doing is to reduce that pain. He's making a joke about it so that the next time I remember that pain I remember this joke of his too and I smile at it.

"And you are the worst best friend, Ric!" I laugh as he mouths a 'screw you'.

"Happy birthday, Sheldon Smith Parker aka Shalom the useless of Sky." He teases. 

Fire and Ice- The Undone Imminent WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang