The Manor Once More (Pt. 2)

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"We have to do something, Harry!" I called out.

"There's no way out. We've tried everything." Mr. Ollivander said.

TW: Mention of Blood

"You're bleeding, Harry." Luna said, pointing downward at his ankle. Harry reached down, pulling the bloody sock away from his ankle, revealing a small gash and a mirror shard.

"That's a curious thing to hide in your sock." Luna pointed. Taking the shard, Harry turned the silvery side towards himself. For a split second a blue eye seemed to flicker there. Harry wiped away the film of blood... but the eye was gone.

"You were hiding it, weren't you?" I asked. Before Harry could respond, Hermione screamed again.

"Help us." Harry muttered to the shard. We all studied him curiously as footsteps sounded. Ron clicked something and all went dark. He must have had something that shows light. Something like Dumbledore's Deluminator. The cellar door squealed open and Wormtail's silhouette appeared in a shaft of light.

Ron rushed forward, but Wormtail stopped him with a gesture of his wand. "Let her go! Let her go!" Ron shouted.

"Shut it! You. Goblin. Come with me." Wormtail pointed inside. From the shadows emerged a goblin that none of us had seen before. I shivered; how come I had never felt his presence? As Griphook mounted the stairs he turned, eyeing Harry curiously, Wormtail grabbed his arm and slammed shut the door.

Ron clicked the Deluminator again and as the light returned Dobby materialized before us.

"Dobby. What're you doing here?" Newt asked.

"Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter and his friends, of course." Dobby bowed a little. Everyone stared, stunned. Harry stared in similar amazement at the mirror glittering in his palm.

"Do you mean to say you can apparate in and out of here? And take us with you?" Edmund asked.

"Of course. I'm an elf." Dobby explained.

"Right. Dobby, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander to-" Harry started.

"-Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth. " Ron completed. We all looked at his peculiar choice. "Trust me." Ron assured. Harry nodded, turning to Luna and Ollivander, giving them a reassuring smile.

Dobby held their hands gently. "Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds." Harry told Dobby before he disappeared. With a crack they vanished. The rest of us then rushed up the stairs towards the sliver of light under the door above. CRACK! The knob turned and light splashed into the cellar as Wormtail filled the doorway.

We stiffened at the sight, then watched Wormtail fall forward, stiff as a board, tumbling in a heavy heap on the cement floor below. We turned back as Dobby appeared, Wormtail's wand was in his tiny fist. "Who gets his wand?" He smiled.

Harry was the only one without his wand, so he took it. Quickly, cautiously, we padded toward the main room as Dobby slipped off in another direction. As we stepped past the lifeless Snatcher without a glance, Harry hesitated, crouching and taking the Snitch from the pocket and slipping it in his own.

As we further crept, Bellatrix came into view, towering over Griphook, who held the sword, studying it. Hermione lay at Bellatrix's feet. Seeing her, I started to to lurch forward before Edmund restrained me.

"I left Gringotts employ many weeks ago, but when I was last in your vault, the sword was there." Griphook was in the midst of explaining.

Hermione studied the two then watched as a strand of Bellatrix's hair drifted free and caught itself on Hermione's shirt. "There is no place safer than Gringotts, Madam LeStrange and-"

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