Chapter One.

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Chapter One.

Christina's POV.

Strolling down the halls of Primrose High School, I can't help but smile. Why? Because everyone is staring at me. No it's not always a bad thing to have people staring at you. You see they stare at me because they envy me , they all wish they could trade their crappy, boring lives for my amazing one. Who am I you ask? My name is Christina and I am THE popular girl. I have beautiful blond, sleek and shiny hair which falls halfway down my back with fine curls which mostly rest in great piles on my shoulders. I have got piercing green eyes that turn grey in the sunlight, that no guy can resist staring in to. You will never see me without my make-up on as it's always done to perfection. And my clothes? I always have the latest fashions before anybody else, even before the stores around here get them in stock. You see, basically, I'm the girl all the guys want and all the girls want to be.

Today is an odd day for me. I ALWAYS have my two best friends with me, my two wing women, Emily and Rebecca, they follow me everywhere. Well not literally EVERYWHERE but they are with me during school, at all the parties, anytime I go shopping and whenever I need someone to do my homework. So today is an odd day because, Rebecca is not walking down the hallways with me. She must be running late or something because this is highly unusual behaviour from Rebecca.

"Emily, where in the name is Rebecca. She better have drowned or something? Why is she not here walking with us?

Emily paused and a weird look formed on her face. After a brief moment she responds to me ", I..don't know Christina, I've tried texting her several times but there's just no reply. I tried to call her as well, I'm really sorry." 

An annoyed sigh escaped my lips, "Well I tell you she better be here before lunch because I can't have my reputation hanging on a line all because my two girls aren't following me. It sets a bad example. What are people going to think of me? We are meant to be the popular one's for god sake! Just keep trying Emily, Okay can you at least do that much for me?". Emily nods and quickly starts texting again 

Just then, as I approached my locker, I notice a group of football players hanging around it. I also notice, leaning against my locker, an Adonis of a male specimen, a really handsome boy with lean, chiseled features and piercing green eyes. The kind of guy any girl would give up her first- born to be with. Of course, it could only be my wonderful boyfriend Bill, he's captain of the football team which is why he and I are so suited. The popular girl is supposed to date the handsome footballer that every girl in school could only dream of dating. Bill and I have been going out for quite a while now since I naturally became the most popular girl in school, freshman year, now I am in my senior year and couldn't possibly be happier. 

I smile rather broadly as I sexily saunter towards Bill, "Hey baby, are you ready for tonight as I am?".

 You see tonight there is a HUGE party at Jimmy's house. Jimmy is one of us, the popular people, the people that matter, and he's the one that is always throwing the best parties. Technically, that is the only reason why he's popular, but hey, as long as we benefit from it no ones complaining. Bill in that sexy voice of his that can make any girl weak at the knees, replies "Of course I am darling, that's why I'm standing by your locker making sure you haven't got better plans...anyway I have to go. Coach wants to talk to us before class, so I will see you later babe." And with that he was gone. 

The first four periods went by and Rebecca still hadn't arrived to school. I'm fuming because what's the point in being my friend if your not even going to turn up to school on time to walk down the halls with me. Emily and I found our usual table and sat down, we greeted everybody then Emily spoke "Hey erm Christina..I just received a text from Rebecca saying that she's ill that's why she was unable to make it to school today".

Okay well maybe I can forgive Rebecca I mean I don't want to catch any of her germs after all, I just turned to Emily and said "Okay well tell her to make sure she hurries up and gets better so she can come to school. Oh and what a total shame she's going to miss out on Jimmy's party, well that's what she gets for being sick".

As I got up out of my seat with Emily behind me some idiot crashed into me.

"Watch where your going will you. You have no right to barge into me like that do you know who I am? Apologise right now!".

When I looked up I saw a rather arrogant boy staring back at me. He opened his mouth and said "Well maybe you should watch where your going and things like this wouldn't happen then would it. I don't care who you are. Do you know who I am? I'm Bradley and I suppose you are called Bitch am I right?". I just stared at the boy in total and utter disbelief.

He did not just disrespect me by calling me a bitch oh no not in this life time mate. " You have no right to talk to me in that way ever and I can assure you that you will never get the chance to do that again. I have the power to turn your life into a misery so if I was you I would think twice about how you speak to me you got that?". With that I turned on my heel and strutted out of the canteen.

It was now eight in the evening and Emily and I were getting ready at her house to go to Jimmy's party. I was doing my makeup while she was in the shower, I couldn't help but stop thinking about what had happened earlier today. That boy what was his name again...oh yeah Bradley I have no idea who he thinks he is talking to me like that, the way people think they can just disrespect me these days is just disgusting.

Oh well no point in dwelling on that I've got a party to get to. "Emily hurry up will you I want to make a grand entrance in my sexy dress!".

Emily and I pulled up in my range rover and parked opposite the club. "Tonight is going to be a good night Em I can feel it. Now listen to me I don't want you wandering off because if your going to get a lift home your going to have to leave when I say so. Got it?". There was no need for Emily to respond I knew she got the message by the expression on her face.

As we walked in everyone turned around to admire me and my dress. I am so happy people recognised the effort I had to put into my amazing outfit. I waltzed over to the bar because after the day I had I definitely needed a stiff drink.

As I lent over the bar a felt a pair of hands snake their way around my waist. I spun round and there inches away from me stood my boyfriend. "Hey Honey you enjoying the party?". Bill laughed and responded "Yeah of course I am, but it's even better now that you've turned up. Now come on lets dance".

I continued to dance the night away with Bill and Emily and let people admire my presence.

Eventually we called it a night at three in the morning, true to my word I drove Emily home and I was now sitting outside my own house.

I just sat in my parked rover for a while just looking at myself in the mirror. I took and deep breath. Time to face the music I thought to myself. However that was not the case because when I got indoors no one was home. I just simply sighed, got changed and climbed into my big comfy bed.

Bradley's POV. (After incident with Christina)

Today is my first day at Primrose. I just transferred here because of my dad's job and trust me I was not happy about it. I was at the back of the school and I had found a nice tree to chill under. I don't think I'm going to like this school very much. All the people seem stuck up and I've already had an incident with one of them.

I had no idea who that girl was but to be honest I don't think I want to know anymore. She was the one who wasn't looking where she was going yet she had the cheek to blame it on me. I hate girls like her, I dated one in my old school. Everyday she became more and more snobby so I decided to break it off.  

See girls like them don't deserve to have friends and judging by the amount of people that were sat at her table, she's what you would call popular. She's no flies on me. I promised myself I'm going to be my total self in this town and I don't care what people think of me.

I suddenly remembered I pulled a leaflet off of one of the bill boards in the hallway this morning. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out. Looks like I'm going to try out for the football team.

Raving Hearts and Over Active Minds.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz