Chapter Seven.

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Chapter Seven.

Christina's POV.

Today is the day of yet another one of Jimmy's famous parties. Too be honest sometimes I'm not really in the mood to attend them but I'm am very excited for this one and I'm also very happy that my boyfriend will be attending. I haven't spent much time with hime lately because of all his football commitments and so on which is why I'm so happy to be spending some time with him. It's a Halloween theme and everyone gets to dress up in costumes and have a good time. Obviously I'm going to be the best dressed I always am and I love the attention I get from it. Today I'm going to pick up my costume, I had it custom made especially for me so I know it will be unique. I'm also helping Emily and Rebecca get some awesome outfits, they need to look good but not good enough to up stage me and take all eyes of me.

I pulled up in my rover outside the south side mall, I saw Emily and Rebecca standing and waiting for me I took a sly look at myself in the mirror before getting out of my car. "Hey girls, right first were heading to Melani's Boutique and then we will go and shop around for your costumes." I greeted them with a half smile. Rebecca piped up "I wanted to get a costume from Melani's Boutique because I want to look hot tonight." I drilled my eyes into Rebecca, is this girl serious she knows that I'm the school hottie and there is no way she will up stage me. Not happening. I said quite harshly "You know you can't get a costume from there because I am the one who needs to shine, nobody knows you two, I'm the one that everyone looks at. So we are going to find you a costume somewhere else okay. You can still look awesome just not as much as me."

We walked into Melani's Boutique and I was instantly in heaven. The clothes in this shop are so amazing you wouldn't understand. There is racks and racks of top high fashion clothing which I absolutely adore. Melani was stood behind her counter looking amazing as usual. I went up to her with a huge grin on my face "Hey Melani, how you doing? I've come to collect my costume for the party tonight. She greeted me back with her usual smile "Hello Christina, I'm okay thanks, just wait here and I will pop into the back storage and get your costume." Minutes later she arrived with a black clothes bag on a hanger covering my costume. I knew there was no need to look at it because Melani's designs are always perfect. I said my thank yous and goodbye's and left the shop with a huge grin on my face.

We went into about 20 shops and Rebecca still hasn't got a costume. She is being so flipping stubborn all because she can't be the best dressed, I'm sorry but no one even pays much attention to her and I know a lot of people who would love the opportunity to be my friend. We walked into a nice little clothes shop on the corner of the street. "Come on Rebecca stop sulking and just pick a costume, the party will be starting soon and we have to get ready." Rebecca just rolled her eyes at me but she did get the message because 15 minutes later we were in my rover driving to Emily's to get ready and everyone had a costume.

We stood looking at ourselves in the mirror. I had my blond hair out and curly resting on my shoulders, I had on a red and black dress that was above my knees, I had on black stockings and a pair of devils horns on my head. It was a tradition that all popular girls dress like sluts on Halloween so that is exactly what we did. Emily had on a short black dress and bunny ears and Rebecca had on some next granny looking dress and a silly wig. She didn't really fit in with the theme and I told her that but I was so frustrated that I let her wear that, after all she will be making a fool of herself at least I look good. I grinned "Right girls it's time to go and shake that party up. Halloween style!"

Rebecca's POV.

Okay so today I went shopping with Emily and Christina to get my costume for Jimmy's Halloween bash, you see I wanted one from Melani's Boutique. Yet somehow I ended up with some next costume I agreed to wear all because Christina said she was getting impatient. She's really annoyed me because tonight I wanted to look hot so people would pay some attention to me for once, but as always the attention always had to be on Christina. I don't understand why I couldn't get a costume from Melani, her fashion sense is amazing to say the least. 

I haven't really spoke to anyone about this but I have a crush on this boy. I don't know why to be honest but I just think he's really cool and laid back about almost everything and the fact that he gets on certain people's nerves is a bonus. That's why I wanted to look hot so I could impress him in the hope that he would ask me on a date. I'm obviously not going to make any impression looking the way I do. I might just have to wait till another time to impress him I mean it's not like this will be my only opportunity. 

I just hope I get a date with him.

Raving Hearts and Over Active Minds.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें