Chapter Thirteen.

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Chapter Thirteen.

Christina's POV. 

Today I'm going to school and I am GOING to sort out this nonsense with my boyfriend. We can't break up, we are the popular couple so we need to sort this out because we are an example to everyone else at our high school. The hierarchy just wouldn't be the same without the star couple. I couldn't however stop thinking about that question Bradley asked me on Friday night. I didn't even know who I was, I had worked so hard to build up this character that it's become all I think about. I don't even know why I'm getting so worked up about this, I just need to focus on the task at hand which is getting my boyfriend back. 

I decided on wearing a nice pair of blue, slim fitting, designer jeans and a nice Chanel top with my leather jacket. I had my hair up in a curly ponytail obviously with my fringe out. I decided to wear light make-up today so all I had on was some foundation, mascara and some eyeliner. I still looked good even wearing casual clothes, which I loved. 

I strolled into school with my head held high and of course Emily was trailing behind me but that silly bitch Rebecca was no where to be seen. I walked round the school and towards the football field. I know everyone was staring at me like I was crazy but to be honest I didn't care. I saw Bill looking very divine in his football kit so I marched up to him, I noticed Bradley was looking at me too but I wans't here for him. Bill looked at me with a some what smug and curious look, "We need to talk right now. So stop what your doing because I have some stuff I want to say to you." I demanded, Bill was going to listen to me. 

"There's nothing to talk about really after you stormed off on Thursday I assumed that was it." I could by the tone of his voice he was serious but I needed to get him back.

"Look I know I stormed off but I was too angry that one of my so called friends decided to make up rumours without asking me first. 

"Isn't that what you do all the time Christina. You make up rumours without asking people so to be honest you deserve it." There was a small amount of laughing from some of the guys who stood around watching. This could not be happening. 

"Yes but you know I'm a bitch that's who I am but it still doesn't give Rebecca the right to chat shit when I'm the one who made her popular in the first place!". 

Bill was about to open his mouth again when a familiar voice came out of nowhere, "For you information, you may have made me popular but now I am able to be my own person. Hey I even have my own posse now so I don't have to hang out with vermin like you anymore. Bill babes have you told her the good news yet?". Who did this girl think she was? Oh no not this time love!

I stared at Bill who shook his head at Rebecca, "What good news? What in the hell are you talking about? Bill answer me now!" 

Bill laughed a smug laugh and simply replied "Me and Rebecca are an item now, if you were here last Friday you would have known that. Sorry but it's over I can't be around you. Your such an energy suck most of the time now." He turned towards Rebecca and smiled. "I'm so happy she's my girlfriend now." With that him and Rebecca locked lips for about 3 seconds. The lads started whistling and shouting stuff like get a room. I looked over at Bradley who was just stood there looking between me, Rebecca and Bill. 

"You know what Rebecca your welcome to him. You deserve each other, the dog and the bitch. Perfect match. I hope you two are very happy together. Oh and Rebecca, you will regret this! You got that you fucking asshole! Your life is over!". I turned around and almost bumped into Emily in the process. "Arg get out of the flipping way!" I was burning with fury. 

I had stormed off to my Rover in the parking bay to calm down. I just sat looking through the windscreen at the sky. I still couldn't believe that had just happened, in a blink of an eye I had lost my boyfriend only to find that one of my ex friends was now dating him. I seriously need to get away from this place. The holidays aren't too far away I might as my mum if we can fly to Dubai just to get away from here for a while. 

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