Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten.

Christina's POV.

Today is another Monday, where we have another day of crappy lessons in school. I have a lot on my agenda today. First I need to have a word with Bill, then I need to speak to Emily just to see what she thought of the party and finally I need to see Rebecca for the same reason. 

As I walk down the hallway towards my locker I see Bill a few more steps down the hallway. "Bill." I shout quite loudly. "We need to speak right now, can you come here please." I must admit I can be quite aggressive when I want to be. "Hey babe what's with the angry tone, can you chill?" Bill had such a confused look on his face so I thought I would enlighten him.

"At the Halloween bash I got very drunk, so drunk that Bradley had to take me home. Where were you when all this was going on aye, your supposed to be my boyfriend remember or have you forgotten." Suddenly quite an angry expression crossed Bill's face. "One I didn't know you even got drunk and I tried looking for you but I just assumed you went home. Two you have no right to come shouting when you could have just called me so I could take you home. Plus I thought you didn't even like Bradley, yet all of a sudden he's taking you home! Sort it out mate." With that Bill was gone and left me standing in the hallway in a gob smacked trance, which was then interrupted by the first bell.

Lunch time came and I was so depressed, well internally anyway. As far as everyone else knows I'm a happy confident person so that's what I act like. However inside I'm so upset, I cannot believe that Bill just thought about himself and he didn't even consider my feelings. He was meant to be there for me when I was drunk I mean he's even been round my house lots of times and he kisses me and everything. 

I was sat under the same tree outside in the court yard, I noticed I liked to spend time on my own lately but no one thought anything of it because of course I'm popular so everyone just saw it as a cool thing. Then of course Bradley saw me and decided to come and join me, he sat down next to me and just stayed silent. "Hey erm look I just wanted to know if your okay after the party, also I wanted to talk to you about Rebecca." He said eventually. I just looked at him, my brain was ticking over I mean why would he want to talk about Rebecca? "Yeah I'm fine and why do you ask about Rebecca?" 

He took a deep breath and then spoke "Well at the party me and her chatted a little while and I kinda thinks she likes me but then yesterday she messaged me saying I know what you did so I was really confused so I thought I might as well come and ask you seen as she's your friend." I just stared at him while he talked, I must have been totally out of it to miss all this drama, normally I'm the first to know everything. I spoke after a while "Well she hasn't mentioned anything to me but I will be sure to ask her about this message nonsense and I never knew she even liked you. Seems like Iv'e got a lot of catching up to do. Bradley gave me a small smile and he was about to say something when we were interrupted. 

It was Emily and Rebecca. "Hey Christina we came to find you because it turns out we have the rest of the day off because there has been some accident or something, so we wondered if you wanted to come shopping?" Rebecca just stood there next to her not saying anything or looking at me or Bradley, okay she was acting slightly weird I guess it's just because she likes him. "Er yeah sure, lets go." I got up and nodded at Bradley who gave me a small smile. I guess I'm going shopping.

Me and the girl went into so many different shops in the mall and I brought so many new, gorgeous outfits. We were now sitting in a little tea and coffee shop and I sat happily sipping on my hot chocolate. I decided now was the time to quiz Rebecca on Bradley. "So Rebecca do you have anything you wanna tell me?" Rebecca just looked at me as if to say what are you talking about. So I decided to elaborate. "About you and Bradley, apparently you two got talking at the party and I saw the way you were looking at him this afternoon."

I could see she now understood that I know she likes him. "Wait so hold on what have I missed?" Emily chipped in. I let out a light chuckle, yeah your not the only one love. Rebecca then spoke "Yeah we did get talking but it's not what you think were just cool with each other nothing more. I looked at her face, it was so funny because I could tell she was lying. "So you don't have feelings for Bradley then?" I asked. The whole time Emily was just watching the conversation back and forth. 

I'm sure Rebecca gave me a slight death glare after I asked that question. Rebecca suddenly  spoke out  "Even if I did, I defiantly don't have feelings for him now." I looked at her with confusion, what did she mean by that? There was something she's not telling me.

It was then that it clicked, I remember that Bradley was telling me something about a message. "Oh so you fancied Bradley, oooo go Rebecca. I don't blame you because he is good looking let me not lie." Emily said interrupting my thoughts. "Oh be quiet Emily and stop talking about Bradley!" Rebecca snapped. Wow I guess someone's feeling a little cranky today. 

After about another hour or so we decided to part ways and go home. When I walked through the door the house was filled with silence. I decided to go and drop my bags in my bedroom and then go down to the living room. I see my Mum and Brother sitting together on the sofa. "Hey Mum, hey Jack. You guys alright?" I ask. Silence just filled the room, I guess my dad must not be home because I haven't heard his voice yet. "Dad is away on a business trip and I punched him in the face after he pushed Mum." Jack suddenly said. "Oh I see, Mum are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything or can I do anything for you?" I said. 

Mum my finally replied to me "No I'm okay honey thanks for asking though I'm just a little tired I might go and lie down seen as I can actually get some peace with your father away on this business trip and all." As soon as she finished her sentence she got up and began making her way towards her bedroom, my brother just shot me a small smile. 

I feel to go and write some lyrics. So that is exactly what I did. 

Rebecca's POV.

Today me and Emily caught Christina sitting talking to Bradley. They seemed pretty cosy and obviously Bradley hadn't taken any notice to the message I sent him the other day. Then it struck me they do seen to be getting pretty close lately so I wonder if he told her about it. Oh why do I even care I don't even fancy him anymore because of what I saw at the party. It just annoys me so much that Christina can have everything she wants without anyone ruining it for her. 

I also heard about the argument Bill and Christina had this morning and at lunch today he did still seem pretty fuming about the situation. He heard about Bradley and Christina at the party so he does know that they slept together. I mean it was so obvious they did because Bradley was so keen to get her to another location to have some private time.

You know what I think it's time for the super bitch mode. 

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