Chapter Eleven.

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Chapter Eleven.

Christina's POV.

Another day of school and the morning has been so boring. To be honest not a lot has happened today, I've just been with Rebecca and Emily as usual. I'm sure Bill and Bradley were probably on the football pitch doing their training or what ever it is they do. I did however gets tons of homework from teachers, it's like it's dish out homework for Christina day. This morning when I got up the house was empty meaning that my Mum probably went to work today. I wonder if she looks better now because I know she looked terrible after the assult and I hate seeing her in that state. I just thank god that my Dad is away on a business trip. 

So I am sitting at the lunch table with everyone, yeah today I didn't feel like sitting outside. Rebecca has been hostile with me all day and in English when I asked her if she had a pen, she replied no yet she gave one to Emily two minutes later. As for  Bill and I still haven't spoken properly since our argument, I don't know what's going on it's like everyone knows something that I don't. I decided it's time to find out what's going on. I turned to my left to face Rebecca "Look Rebecca what's with all this hostility, I haven't done anything to you yet your acting all weird?" She faces me and give a death glare and responds. "Oh I wonder why, well for your information I'm hostile with you because the other night at the party I saw you and Bradley leaving to go and have sex with each other!" Everyone at our table turned silent after Rebecca shouted that statement, it was loud enough for everyone on our table to hear but everyone else was too busy having their lunch.

"Whoa, wait hang on a minute you and Bradley slept together? You told me that he just took you home!" Bill was looking really wound up and confused at this point. Oh so that's what people have been thinking well it's time to put these bitches in their place. "Bradley only took me home because I was so drunk that night and we didn't sleep together because I didn't even know he was the one that took me home till the next morning. So Rebecca next time come and ask before opening your big mouth and assuming things, got it! As for you Bill I didn't lie to you this is all Rebecca's stupid version of events and it's only because she fancies Bradley. Alright." 

After I finished speaking Bill looked really apologetic, yeah that's what he gets for assuming and Rebecca looked like she was about to blow with rage and everyone else on our table was just staring with their mouths open. I couldn't handle this so I got up and left and went to sit under my favourite tree. I was so angry at the fact that the stupid bitch Rebecca thought I was sleeping with Bradley, I haven't even slept with Bill and he's supposed to be my boyfriend for god sake. I'm guessing Bradley will probably be finding out about all this right about now. 

That's it I'm going home, I'm too angry and I don't want to be around these people.

Rebecca's POV.

He agreed to meet me behind the bike sheds around the back of our school, I was stood there waiting for him. Suddenly I felt a tug at my hand, I turned around and grinned. "Hey baby, look I'm sorry about that whole thing during lunch it's just I couldn't keep it under wraps anymore." I gave him an apologetic look and he just shrugged. 

"It's okay, I knew it would come out but she did'nt actually do what we thought she did but anyway enough about her, it's about me and you." I smiled, he came and wrapped his arms around my waist so I put my arms around his neck. 

"She has no idea what's going to hit her, it's time something was done about her." He said with his sexy voice. He pulled me towards him even more and our lips touched, it was such a sweet kiss that meant something. Our lips continued to move together for about five more minutes.

"Bill, I love you." I said with so much confidence. He looked into my eyes and replied "I love you too Rebecca." 

Our lips then locked again. 

Bradley's POV.

After all the drama I heard today I thought it would be best if I payed Christina a visit. I walked up to the big huge door and rang the bell, I was kinda nervous so I stood there sort of rocking on the balls of my feet. Suddenly the door opened and there she stood in a grey tracksuit with her blond curls resting on her shoulders also her make-up was still intact. "Erm hey look I came to see you because I was hoping we could talk." She just stared at me for a while but eventually said "Yeah I think we should talk, to be honest your the only person I can talk to right now. Come in."

Christina lead me to the living room and we sat on one of the huge sofas. "So I heard about the showdown that happened this lunch time." I said to Christina chuckling. I wanted to try and lighten the mood a little bit. She did smile though so I think it's working. "Yeah can you actually believe that they thought we slept together but it's the fact that it was only Rebecca that believed this was just, ah I don't even know."

I just sat nodding, understanding what she meant. I think I better tell her about the conversation me and Rebecca had at the Halloween bash. "So you already know about the fact that me and Rebecca had a chat at the party well, it was about you." She seemed shocked at this because I'm sure her pupils grew bigger. I then continued "She feels that you boss her around too much and that everything always has to be about you. She seemed pretty cut up about it but obviously because of today's events I know she hasn't talked you about this issue." 

She just sat there the whole time I spoke, she never said anything. I decided to let my eyes wander around the room, damn her house really is nice. "Oh so she thinks it's okay to bitch about me behind my back now, she was walking on a thin line as it was but now I'm going to destroy her. Her part in the popular group will no longer exist trust me." That made me snap my eyes back towards her. "Hold on there are you sure that's a good idea, I mean I think your an alright person but I do think your bossy sometimes. Why don't you just talk to her about it?" 

Once I had said that she looked at me like I had just strangled a cat or something. "Look she was the one with the problem yet she didn't come and talk to me about it. The only person I need to sort things out with is Bill because he's meant to be my boyfriend. Rebecca's not important." She spoke with such conviction that I knew I wouldn't be able to convince her to change her mind. "Okay it's your decision." I said with a small smile. 

She smiled back at me. "Thank you for coming to see me and understanding but you have to go now because I want to be on my own and I need to plan my outfit for school." I laughed at that comment, she still manages to think about clothes at a time like this. "Alright well I will get going. Goodbye Christina." She smiled at me and I smiled back and with that I left her house feeling better that I had cleared the air.

But I must admit that I still think she's stuck up but I thought with the situation and all, it's better I don't bring it up till our next conversation. She already knows I think she's bossy but I need to make her realise what kind of effect she can have on people. 

Oh well until our next conversation.


I know these chapters have been a bit hectic but from the next chapter things will slow down and it will be mainly Christina's POV with the occasional POV from someone else. :) 

I hope you like it :)

From Chryss1996 :)

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