Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six.

Bradley's POV.

Okay so I went to the movie night and I was right, Christina was there. I'm sure she absolutely loved me being there, you could tell by the wide smile she was giving me. Yeah right. In reality she wished I wasn't there and had quite a dull tone with me but because I didn't annoy her I think she may see me differently. Hopefully. You see I think that there may be a whole different side to Christina. I know crazy right. But I think this because she could have simply moved away from me when I went to go and sit beside her, but instead she stayed and actually interacted me with me. Of course it wasn't the greatest interaction in the world but she still answered me. I wonder if there is actually another side to her. If there is I sure would love to find out.

Christina's POV.

Monday came around and once again I was back at school. Me and my dad had another argument this morning about the fact that I woke up 10 minutes late. I don't even know why he was complaining, me waking up late meant less time for me to do my hair and make-up and I think that's punishment enough. So as you guessed I wasn't in the greatest of moods already.

I was sat in philosophy with Emily. Thank god I have someone to entertain me because this lesson is definitely the most boring, you mostly have people awake and brain dead or just simply asleep. Our teacher had told us to work in pairs and use the text book to create a poster on philosophy for a freshman year parent's evening. Of course Emily was doing most of the work because I didn't want to ruin my nails too much. Yeah I painted my nails while our teacher was explaining what we should do.

"So did you have fun at my movie night? You and Bradley seemed to be getting on really well". I turned around and shot a puzzled look Emily's way. "I have no idea what your talking about Em, me and him were just sat side by side that's all, but I did enjoy it I must say. You know I love my fair share of scary movies".

As I finished my sentence the bell rang signaling the end of class, Emily and I packed up our things and I strutted out the classroom. Rebecca met us as we were walking. Ah things were as they should be, me walking down the hallway with everyone staring admiring me and the friends behind me. I know a lot of people would love to be friends with me so Em and Rebecca should be counting themselves lucky. We made our way to the canteen towards our usual table. Today I didn't really fancy sitting inside so I left everyone else and went to sit in the school courtyard where hardly anyone goes. I sat down under a huge tree and I just lent back and closed my eyes enjoying the peace and quiet.

Suddenly I felt a slight breeze on my face. I opened my eyes to see Bradley sitting beside me. "What do you want?" I looked at him with a confused expression, like seriously why does he have to bother me now. He just looked at me, he wasn't smirking though "I just thought I would come and see if your okay, your not sitting at your usual table today so something must be up." A sigh escaped my lips, I guess he really did want to know because he usual does that smirk at me which I might add is really annoying. "Well I just felt like sitting out here today, I don't know why I just did okay."

The rest of lunch flew by Bradley sat and spoke to me about football and stuff. You will never believe he also apologised to me for being so disrespectful to me on his first day. I chose to forgive him because at least he apologised and he meant it too. I must admit I didn't really mind sitting and chatting to him but I do wonder what he's actually like, he's never actually revealed any of himself apart from the fact he likes football.

I wonder what the real Bradley is like but I'm not too sure if I want to find out.

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