Chapter Eight.

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Chapter Eight.

Christina's POV. (View of the party.)

Once again I am the life of the party, everyone has been complimenting me on my dress all night, the music was pumping and everyone was dancing away. It was so loud you had to shout over the music to talk to someone. There were Halloween decorations hanging everywhere and people were dressed in a types of crazy costumes. Me and Bill are having an amazing time together and I am so happy. Bill and his friends decided to have a lads chat so I strutted over to the big table where there was all types of food and cake and a special Halloween punch. I decided to have a glass of Halloween punch and I added a little extra vodka because I wanted to have a really good time. 

I felt a buzzing coming from my leg stocking so I reached for my phone, I saw I had a text message from my dad. Great. I opened the message and immediately an angry expression crossed my face, it said "You are getting on my nerves now Christina, you continue to disobey me and my rules, I told you last night to move the apple mac from the living room to my private study!" Why can't he just give me a break I swear I can't wait till I'm older so I can move out. I don't know why he couldn't just do it himself. I drank glass after glass of Halloween punch.

I downed my current glass of drink and grabbed another one, I was about to put the glass to my lips when I saw Bradley. He was dressed in a zombie type costume, he had on a pair of blue ripped jeans and he had a top which had fake blood over it and he had sort of like a shredded tie around his neck. "Hey Christina take it easy there." He said as he pointed to the glass in my hand. I just shrugged "What's the point in going to a party if you can't have a good time." To be honest I didn't really care if I got wasted at this point. The next thing I knew my arm was being pulled and I was being taken outside. 

Bradley took me outside and sat me on a wall, he also took the glass out of my hand and rested it on the floor. He pushed his hands in his pockets and just stood there in front of me, staring at me. "Look I don't want you getting into any trouble and I figured you could do with some fresh air." He said. I looked at him, I looked into his eyes for a few seconds, I don't know why but his eyes seemed really interesting, it was the blue that had me lost in them. "I'm fine, I don't need your help now let me go back inside." I slurred. I also noticed how attractive he was looking. Uh oh I think I'm really too drunk. 

"Come on let me take you home, give me the keys for your rover." I found myself handing over the keys and next thing I knew I was sitting in the passenger seat, buckled up in my own car. Bradley drove me home. 

Rebecca's POV. (View of the party.)

I'm not really having too much at this party, probably because I feel like shit in this costume. I was sat outside on a bench just looking around, the party was in some mansion so there was so much beautiful grounds and space. I just sat there thinking about what my life would be like if it didn't have Christina in it. Like I said I love being part of the popular crew but I'm now getting too annoyed with Christina and her attitude. 

I heard the sound of someone's shoes so I looked up and there stood......


He's the guy I've been crushing on for a little while now. I don't know what it is but I'm extremely attracted to him and he's really hot, I don't know why Christina is hating on him so much he's not actually that bad. He saw me and sat down on the bench beside me.

"Hey Rebecca, what you doing out here? Shouldn't you be enjoying the party?" I just looked at him and sighed "Yeah I should be but I'm not because I'm not feeling to nice right now. It's all because everything has to be about Christina no one ever pays attention to me."  Bradley nodded while I was talking "Well I think your nice and I don't see why you don't just do your own thing, be your own person because I'm sure if you were people would pay more attention to you and like you." He smiled a small smile at me. Oh my gosh he's so gorgeous and he think I'm nice, maybe this day is picking up a little. "Thanks for the advice, I may just do that because I'm not sure how much more I can take of this. 

We said our goodbyes and he went back inside, I still stayed outside for a bit. I could have a chance with this guy, maybe I should go inside and dance with him or something. I thought about it for a while and decided I would go and see if he would dance with me, I walked though the mansion till I saw a glance of Bradley and then my heart sank. I saw him pulling on Christina's arm and taking her out the front of the mansion. What a bitch she already has a boyfriend yet she making moves on Bradley. 

Oh no she is not getting away with this. I will make sure of that. 

Bradley's POV. (After the party.)

I must admit that had to be one of the most eventful parties I've ever been to. I found Rebecca outside on her own so I decided to talk to her and well she wasn't really feeling good about herself and her friendship with Christina. I think Rebecca is a really nice girl but she needs to stand up for herself, its no ones fault but hers that she's friends with Christina in the first place. I think she felt a little bit better after our talk so hopefully she will do something about it.

Christina was not exactly in the best of moods either, she was so drunk that she was even slurring her words when talking to me. I wondered what happened because I don't think she's the type of person to get drunk for no reason. When I got outside her house I parked her car and then took her to her front door. Wow she has a big house, no wonder why she's so popular at school. Luckily her door key was attached to her car keys and I know I wasn't supposed to but I let myself in. 

I still had a pretty drunk Christina next to me so I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the house, I didn't have a clue how to find her bedroom so I asked her. "It's upstairs turn right and keep on going till you get to the end." She slurred. So I followed her instructions and carried her to her room. Wow her room was massive, I swear this house makes mine look like a little hut or something. I laid her down on her massive bed, I took her shoes off and laid them on the floor and I put her keys on the little table next to her bed. 

Next thing I knew she was fast asleep and I was just standing there looking at her. She looked so peaceful when she slept almost like there's no devil side to her. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost four in the morning right time to go home I think. I made a swift exit making sure to be quiet because I don't want to be caught. 

I ended up at my own house at four thirty, needless to say I went straight to bed.

Raving Hearts and Over Active Minds.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant