Chapter Twelve.

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Chapter Twelve.

Christina's POV.

Today I feel like shit. After all the events of yesterday I decided to take today off school, I wasn't feeling up to seeing anyone. I thought about everything Bradley had said to me and I was still fuming with Rebecca. No disrespect to Bradley or anything but he has only been around for a few weeks yet Rebecca feels the need to start sharing flipping secrets and keep me hanging on a line. I think today is me day, I'm just going to do whatever I want for a change with no interruptions. 

I started by writing a new song and playing it on our grand piano, the song included all that I was feeling at the moment and it made me feel so better because it was like I released all my problems. I did do some of my homework but to be honest every two minutes I was on nicktime checking what the latest gossip was and what people were up to. I was about to listen to my ipod when my mother called me "Christina honey, come down stairs, I want to talk to you." I immediately rushed down stairs to the living room where she was situated. 

I gasped when I saw my mother, she was in a beautiful black dress that had a slick rip down the left hand side so it showed of her legs, it also showed off her curves and it made her look really pretty, she had even put on make-up to cover up her bruises that my dad left on her face. "I've been invited to a dinner party and I wondered if you would like to come with seen as it's a Friday and all. Plus your brothers out so what do you say?" My mum stood there smiling at me waiting for my answer. I guess I could go I mean it gives me an excuse to dress up like a princess. "I would love to come mum, I can wear one of my new dresses, let me just go and have a shower and doll myself up, after all we need to represent." with that I raced upstairs to get ready. I wore a red dress that had a corset type top and a puff skirt from the waist down to my knees. I put my hair in a curly ponytail and my fringe out and of course my make-up was perfect. I was ready for this dinner.

We pulled up outside a really cute town house it wasn't as big as ours but it still looked nice. "Now I want you to be on your best behaviour Christina, this is a very important meeting for me." My looked at me with her eyes pleading for me to be good, I suppose I could be good considering my mum has been through quite a lot these past few days. I turned to my mum and truthfully I replied "Don't worry I will be on my best behaviour I promise. I know how much this means to you so I don't want to ruin it for you." My mum then nodded at me and smiled and with that we got out of the car and walked up to the light blue front door.

A lovely looking elegant woman opened the door with a huge smile, her hair was in a sort of twisted bun and she was wearing a blue summer dress that went down to her knees and there was sparkles around the boob part of the dress. "Hello Bridget and Christina , welcome, please come on in and make yourself comfortable. Christina I've heard quite a bit about you, my names Carly and it's very nice to meet you. My son will be down soon so you can go and hang out with him if you like while me and your mum talk business." I noticed the whole time she spoke her smile never left her face. "Hi Carly, thanks for letting me into your home, it's really nice and sure I would love to meet your son." I smiled at her then looked at my mum and she threw a wink my way, needless to say my smile grew wider.

The dinner was so nice! We had garlic bread as a starter, steak and chips with a side of salad for the main and chocolate ice cream for dessert. It was amazing. Me, my mum and Carly were just sitting at the table chatting about our holiday home in Dubai, when the front door slammed. "Oh it seems my son is back, he should be here in a minute. He's missed dinner and everything when I told him to be back at a reasonable time." I couldn't help but laugh at Carly's raised eyebrow. I assumed her son walked in because her expression changed. "What did I tell you this morning! We have guests and you can't even make to dinner on time! Come and introduce yourself and apologise." The whole time Carly spoke I was struggling not to laugh, I mean this is the kind of stunt I would pull on my dad just to piss him off.

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