Chapter Four.

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Chapter Four.

Christina's POV.

It's Thursday afternoon. I must say this has gone pretty quick. I was sitting at my lunch table with Bill, Emily and Rebecca and of course all the footballers etc. Can you believe Rebecca finally make it back to school, I must say though she's been acting quite weird towards me since she got back but I think her illness hasn't completely vanished yet that's why. I was sitting thinking about what to do this weekend, I already went on a shopping spree yesterday so I didn't feel like doing it again. Bill's voice then interrupted my train of thought.

"Hey babe, have you heard about this new dude called Bradley? Well anyway he came to football tryouts the other day and let me tell you he is sick! He made the team that very minute". I was speechless. My own boyfriend was now being corrupted by this Bradley.

"I didn't need to here because the jerk only came and barged into me last week, ask Emily she will tell you. I have never met someone so arrogant in my life. He even had the cheek to disrespect me". Emily just nodded at Bill through my outrage. I was about to continue when I suddenly saw Bradley walking towards out table. What in the name does he think he's doing?

Bill piped up "Hey dude glad you could make it. You are now part of our crew, come and introduce yourself to everyone". Everyone started greeting Bradley with smiles and introducing themselves. I still hadn't said anything yet. "Come on babe just try to be kind. Please". Bill gave me those puppy dog eyes and I couldn't help it. I gave in. Bradley stared at me, waiting for me to say something. "My names Christina. I already know your name so there's no need to respond". I put on a fake smile while Bradley just smirked at me. That's it time for me to leave.

"Come on Em and Rebecca. Were leaving". I started to gather up my things and I stood up, just as I was about to start walking I felt a hot breath close to my ear. He whispered "Don't hate just because everybody likes me. You can have a piece of me too if you want". I turned to see Bradley. He just smirked at me and went back to everyone. No one had saw what he did because they were all busy talking about the next football game. Emily however questioned what just happened. "Christina what was that all about?". To be honest I didn't really know what it was about either. I just simply replied.


It was the evening and I was in our big living room. I was reading over my notes for my song, you see I can also play the piano. Which again nobody knows about. I mostly play when I'm upset or I need to escape, I learned how to play the piano when I was ten years old and from then I've just been writing my own songs and creating my own melody's to go with them. I'm in the process of a new song, I've just got a little stuck for ideas at the moment. This was my other method of escaping for now seen as I'm not in Dubai at the moment. I will never let anyone hear my songs though, not even my own family has heard them. I think if I was to ever let anyone here any of my work they must be a pretty special person.

Turns out I did find something to do this weekend. I'm going over to Emily's house because she said she's having a movie night which I think could be really fun. You see I rarely have time to watch movies because I'm either partying or at school or at some fancy occasion with my family. It's too bad Bill can't make it, I would have loved to be sitting with him but he's got a meeting with some big time footballers who might want him to join their club. Of course the other suspects will be there though, you know Rebecca etc. I just can't wait to have some fun and chill for once.

Bradley's POV.

I was sat in my garden just looking up at the sky. I needed a bit of calm, I've been so busy lately with making the football team and everything so I just decided to take some time out. I looked to my left at my guitar. Yeah you see I'm a song writer, well an undercover one anyway. I love to write lyrics about real topics and stuff that's happening in my life. My dad died when I was 11, he had lung cancer and one day his lungs just gave in.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. Suddenly my phone buzzed, it was a text. "Hey Brad it's Emily. Look I'm having a movie night on Saturday and I wondered if you wanted to come. I think you will have a lot of fun. Anyway get back to me asap. :)". I smiled, maybe this could be fun and I don't have anywhere else to be. Hm I wonder if Miss Christina will be showing her face, I love to see her annoyed face. "Hey Em, yeah I will come to your movie night. See you Saturday."

Looks like I'm going to a movie night.

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