Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine.

Christina's POV. 

Argh. I have one of the worst hangovers ever! I'm struggling to get out of bed all because of this stupid headache. At first I was confused because I actually don't remember how I got back to my house and then I panicked and looked at my window and saw that my rover was safely parked outside my house. That's when the real pain hit me because I had rushed so quickly to get up that I now had a burning headache mixed with head rush. 

I was now sat at my desk with my head buried in my hands, then I saw my phone. I might as well check if I've got any messages or if someone had decided to send me a funny picture of myself. There was quite a few but as I was scrolling through one caught my eye. It was from Bradley saying 'Hey look I was just checking if you were okay. Last night you were really drunk so I took you home in your rover and put you to bed. Don't worry I didn't steal anything. So just let me know if your okay and I will leave you in peace. BTW your house is so nice!' 

 I had to admit for Bradley to drop me home was nice, I mean he even put me in my bed and everything. I still can't believe I was that drunk that he had to even bring me home in the first place. I sent him a quick reply because my head was hurting staring at the screen. 'Hey, look thanks for taking me home and parking my car. I appreciate it and thank you for the comment about my house :)' As I pressed send I suddenly thought to myself, so hold on where was my supposed to be boyfriend when I was drunk? I scrolled through my phone again and there was no message from him. I'm going to be having some strong words with him when I've got rid of this terrible headache. Right I think it's time for a shower and a fry up breakfast. 

As I go downstairs I take a look in the mirror. God I look like a mess, my hair is still wet and I have no make-up on, to be honest I just look like a zombie. I then notice that I hear voices coming from the kitchen but my fathers is not to be heard. I walk into the kitchen and my mum is there, she's sitting on the table with her back to me. "Good morning mum." I say cheerfully. When she doesn't answer me I go round the table and look at her. "Good morning sweetheart." she eventually replies. But then she lifts up her head and I gasp.

She has another black eye which means she has been arguing with my dad recently. My mum is a victim of domestic violence and let me tell you I'm not happy about it. "Oh my god, mum let me get some ice for that eye. I cannot believe that bastard hit you again!" I rushed to the freezer and grabbed some ice, I went over to her and pushed it gently against her eye. We just sat in silence with me nursing her. No child should ever have to see their mum in this state. "He didn't actually hit me this time. He pushed me and I feel into the wardrobe." I sigh and look at my poor mum. "Oh so that makes it better does it? Look where's Jack?" My mum didn't answer me so I knew exactly where he was.

He's gone to find my dad. 

Rebecca's POV.

I cannot believe Christina that Bitch. She is going out with her precious Bill yet she still feels the need to flirt with other boys. As for Bradley don't even get me started, I actually saw him dragging Christina outside of the mansion. Christina better play her cards right or I could just expose her little secret to everyone, I'm sure they are all in need of some good gossip. 

I still haven't slept yet and I got home at four in the morning. I was too pissed off to be bothered with drinking so I just gave up and came home. On nicktime there are so many pictures of what went down at the party and how much fun people had. I am the only one who has got photographic evidence of Bradley and Christina. I will not hesitate to use it so that girl better watch out!

 Bradley's POV.

Yesterday was seriously eventful, but I couldn't help but dwell on the conversation I had with Rebecca. I had analysed her whole attitude towards me yesterday and it suddenly clicked. She was friendly with me but it was like she was flirting with me, I hope it's just wishful thinking because I don't want a relationship at the moment. Right now I'm focusing on me and football so I haven't got time for a girlfriend. 

Rebecca is nice and all but she's not even my type. Plus I don't feel that way for her so I really hope she doesn't fancy me. At least I know Christina is okay because she was in a right state yesterday. I was sat under the tree in my garden on my laptop and I decided to go on nicktime. There was so many posts on my wall of people saying how awesome my costume was and stuff like that. I even had girls saying how hot I looked last night. 

I then saw that I had a private message from Rebecca and all it said was... 

'I know what you did.' 

Raving Hearts and Over Active Minds.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz