Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three.

Christina's POV.

It's a Sunday afternoon, I'm laying on my bed with books and papers surrounding me. I peer through my glasses looking at a sheet of homework which Mr Wilson gave me. I really do hate English, I mean we already speak English so why do we need to study it?. That's unless your like me and speak french as well. From a young age my dad insisted that I have extra lessons in language to widen my culture, we travel around a lot so I guess it is useful to some extent. Nobody knows that I wear glasses either. When I'm at school I wear contacts because I don't want to be seen as a freak, plus because I'm popular no one can ever see me wearing these things.

I go over to my desk and grab my laptop, I'm going to check my profile page on nicktime. Almost everyone at school has a profile page and obviously my page is always buzzing with people either begging me to go to their parties or trying to fill me on the latest gossip which I already know about. I scroll down my news feed and I spot a pattern. Quite a lot of people have just befriended a new person on nicktime. Hmm there must be a new kid at our school or something. I decide to check it out.

The first thing I see is this persons page filled with messages filled with things like 'Welcome to our school'. I also can't help but notice that there is a post from Jimmy saying 'Hey, look you are one cool dude and I would like to invite you to my Halloween bash in a couple on months. Time to get your freak on!'.

Wait, hold on, rewind. This person is invited to Jimmy's party. This person must be really special to get invited to one of Jimmy's parties and they've only just started going to our school. This is when I decide to take notice of the name at the top of the profile.


Are you kidding me. The guy who thought he could disrespect me the other day is invited to Jimmy's party. I just stare in silence at the screen. I don't know what to say. I have to do something about this because their is no way I'm going to a party where he is present. Time to call up my ladies.

I was just about to pick up my cell phone, when my land line starts ringing causing me to holt. I put the phone against my ear. "Christina get down here now! Don't make me call you again!". I groan. What could my dad possibly want from me now, I haven't done anything wrong today.

I race downstairs to my dad's study. As I walk in I see he has a rather angry expression on his face, which tells me this is not going to be good.

My dad drills his eyes at me before he speaks. "Have you seen your school report yet?". Panic started to rush through my mind. Shit. I forgot that reports were being issued out today. I try to think of a good response. "Er no dad I haven't, why what's happened?". I decided to play the dumb blond card, that was all I could come up with. My dad stared back at me, oh god he's on to me. "Well I see your levels have dropped. What have I told you about doing well in school? I don't see your brother coming home with low grades. In English you've gone from a B to a D. Do you want me to freeze your bank account?".

Argh that bastard of a teacher I can't believe he gave me a D after all the work I have done. Okay fair enough I had been on my phone for a few of his lessons but I didn't think it was that bad. My dad always has to compare me to my brother, oh my wonderful brother. It's funny how they don't know about the girls he brings home during the night and the stuff he get's up to. He even threw a house party one time and I was the one left to clean up the mess because Judy clocks off at 11. I snap out of my day dream and respond to my dad. "I'm sorry dad I don't know what happened, I will make sure it won't happen again".

I had no choice but to grovel to my dad. I don't want my account to be frozen, I need a new outfit for Jimmy's party and I need a major shopping spree to take my mind of things.

You see everyone believes I'm this confident person and everything is so wonderful. Well my dad makes my life an absolute misery because he always finds something to pick at when it comes to me. I never get a "Well done Christina" or "I'm proud of you Christina". My brother is the one who gets all the praise in my house. Fair enough he always has good grades but that's probably because he has people doing his homework for him. I just want my dad to stop moaning at me all the time. This is why I can't wait to return to Dubai because I spend most of my time on the beach where it's a calm atmosphere. Also I hardly see my dad when we are in Dubai because he uses the time to visit his business partners.

Dubai. My escape route.

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