Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.

Christina's POV.

I sat at my dressing table doing my make-up making sure I look as pretty as possible, not that I'm not already pretty. My blond curls from my hair were resting on my shoulders, I decided to tone it down a little today as it's only a movie night. Emily has sent me the dress code and everyone had to go casual so I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a pink long sleeve top. I also had on my knit wear cardigan just in case it gets a bit chilly on the way home.

It's Saturday afternoon and I would be going over to Emily's house soon. I'm actually really looking forward to this movie night and all my friends will be there so it will be a lot of fun. I sure do hope Emily has horror movies because I love a good scare. I also love watching other people squirm too. I looked in the mirror one last time before I nodded to myself. I am ready to have some fun. 

I pulled up outside Emily's house, I had stopped off at a little corner shop and the way and brought some Popcorn and Doritos. You can never have enough food at a movie night. I looked in the mirror one last time making sure my make-up was still intact. I grabbed the snacks and jumped out of my rover. I walk up the pathway and knock on Emily's door. I hear some voices and a little bit of rustling when finally the door opens. Emily opens the door with a huge smile on her face "Hey Christina, you look nice, come on in. Not everyone is here yet were still waiting on a few.Oh and you brought more snacks.Great!". I couldn't help but grin. This is going to be awesome. Plus Emily noticed how wonderful I look which is great, I can rock any outfit rain or shine.

Another 20 minutes went by and almost everybody had turned up but apparently we were sill waiting on one more person. "Emily seriously can't this person hurry up we've been waiting ages, can't you text them or something". I was getting really impatient, I mean how hard is it to get to a movie night on time. Emily piped up "Don't worry he just text me he will be here in a minute okay". I'm guessing the "he" she was referring to was another football player, whoever he is he better hurry up.

Finally the doorbell rang and Emily rushed to go and get the finally person. Now we can actually begin watching our movies. I heard Emily's foot steps coming back so I turned to the direction of the door to see who the last person was so I could shout at them for being so late. I was going to open my mouth when suddenly my mouth went dry. No this can't be happening. He can't have been invited. You would not believe the last person to show up to movie night. Bradley. He came in wearing a light blue shirt, a pair of jeans and some really nice casual trainers. I must admit I liked his style but I definitely did not like him. I was really looking forward to this and now I'm not so keen and what makes it worse is that Bill is not even here to make me look even better.

Eventually we all agreed on watching a scary film called mirrors. I was sat on the sofa directly in line with the TV, Emily, Jack and Rebecca we sat on the other sofa to my right. The sofa on my left was filled with Chloe, Sami and Bradley. I didn't mind sitting by myself as long as I had some popcorn and coke I was fine. We were half way through the film when Emily paused it. "Hey guys I just wondered if you wanted to order some pizza because munching on popcorn must be dull now". Everyone responded at once saying things like "Yeah". I guess people were pretty hungry, I was as well come to mention it. Everyone was talking and giving their orders to the guy over the phone, obviously I gave mine first and of course to follow was Bradley.

I had resumed my position on the sofa after ordering and I just sat and played with my curls. Suddenly I felt the sofa dip, what is Bradley doing? "Hey princess diva, how you doing?" I just gave him a fierce look. "Like you actually care how I'm doing. What do you want from me?". I just stared back at me with that stupid smirk on his face, I was still waiting for his excuse for thinking he could talk to me. "Hey look I'm only making conversation okay, I'm not looking for any trouble. No stop being so hostile would you". He was still smirking but I could some how tell that he was telling the truth, it was something about his eyes.

The pizza arrived and the movie resumed playing. When we all grabbed our pizza boxes and surprisingly Bradley came and sat back do next to me on the sofa. All I could think to myself was oh no I don't want to be sitting next to him because I know all he wants to do is annoy me. But Bradley didn't bother me one bit, he just sat next to me in silence for the rest of the film. I was shocked, amazed and dazed all at the same time. Maybe Bradley wasn't so bad after all.

Maybe. Just Maybe.

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