The Ghost From His Dreams Was Real After All

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The first time I saw him, I was experiencing sleep paralysis and saw a child sitting in the green rocking chair at the foot of my bed.

For a while he just stared at me, but then he got out of the chair and started shambling toward the bed.

I couldn't move because I was paralyzed. (I have sleep paralysis fairly often. It sucks.)

Right before he reached my bed, I woke up screaming.

I had another dream a few nights later, where I was in a library and a girl came up to me and said, "You've seen Dear David, haven't you?"

She continued, "He's dead. He only appears at midnight, and you can ask him two questions if you said 'Dear David' first."

Then she added, "But never try to ask him a third question, or he'll kill you."

Then, David came back in another dream. The same situation—I was in bed, and he was sitting in the rocking chair near the window, staring at me.

In the dream, I say, "Dear David, how did you die?" He mumbles, "An accident in a store."

I say, "Dear David, what happened in the store?" He groans, "A shelf was pushed on my head."

I'm frozen with fear. I ask, "Who pushed the shelf?" David doesn't answer.

I realize that I've asked a third question, which I'm not supposed to do. At that point, I wake up, absolutely terrified.

For the past 4 nights, my cats gather at the front door at exactly midnight & just stare at it, almost like something is on the other side.

Last night I got a weird feeling and looked out the peephole, and I'm dead certain I saw movement on the other side.

— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) August 7, 2017

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