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Before you read this I know that the story you already read the Jogging day. But this one is the full story. If would like to hear

 have a seen a CHULAWA meaning Shadow ghost or something. I go for a jog right after fajar prayer in a big lively old park close to the residence every day. Some day I missed my fajar prayer due to late timing. After that, I started jogging to the park through my usual shortcut which has loads of OLD BIG SCARY trees and bangles, on my way I noticed a guy was jogging behind me, I was quite surprised to see that he was wearing the same clothes like mine. I found it quite hard to see him jogging behind me so I stopped for a breather. To my astonishment, he stopped right in front of me and said: "What's wrong brother, out of breath so early for a guy of your age", I told him a lie saying " I have started jogging to get myself some fitness after a long lay-off because of illness", his reply was "Don't lie, I see you come through this lane every day", I hurriedly made up some reason "Sorry I had to lie, I am quite embarrassed to say that I'm feeling weak from not having some breakfast" after that we introduced ourselves, his name was Arafat. After the introductions, we started jogging towards the park sharing some friendly views, etc and he also took me to a Pathan hotel for breakfast. After that, I did not see him for a couple of weeks until one day again I missed my fajr namaz. I met him again while I was going through a shortcut, he told me he had an illness that kept him in bed for weeks, I told him that tomorrow we shall have breakfast together at a Pathan hotel. The next day I didn't saw him, Next day when I again missed my namaz( may Allah forgive me ) I saw him, but this time I noticed that he didn't have 3 fingers in his right arm. When I asked him about it he said that he was born without them, I was quite shocked and couldn't keep myself intact remembering that he had a full hand when I shook hands with him the last time I remember. I dismissed the idea considering it as an error of the mind. One day I thought about going to the park for a stroll after Isha prayers...........sadly I missed the prayers because of late timing and had to visit the park without offering them. On the way, I met him again but this time he looked different to me, something seemed scary about him. His voice had turned deeper and his face also was quite darker than usual.
He asked me to join him for dinner at someplace, I hadn't heard of it before so I agreed. On the way he asked me some questions like are you a 5-time namaz, I answered him, yes I was and he became rather nervous, when I asked what was wrong with him he said " Nothing, its just that you don't look like a 5-time namaz, he meant that as a joke although I did not take it as one. After some time my mobile phone rang, I had azan as a ring tone bell for my mobile. The area where we were was really quiet and dark, the ring tone filled the whole area, It was a miscall from a friend and in the blink of an eye I found my newfound friend to be nowhere, I thought maybe he was playing a joke but after the yelling his name many times I had a strong urge to Runaway. I quickly fled home and started to recollect what just happened, in a matter of an hour I had a really high fever which really gave my parents a scare when I told my parents about what happened they were shell-shocked and started praying I was alive and well. I am lucky enough to know in time that Arafat wasn't a person but something else...........

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