As Time Goes By *Chapter Sixteen*

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Sever's Point Of View:

*Eight months later*

Everyone was roaring in their rooms as I walked down the dorm to my room. I ignored the St. Patrick's day spirit. Yeah, I was Irish, but Sophie's birthday was coming up, and I was nearing the end of my pregnancy. I wasn't allowed to drink. Total bummer. Nope, not really. Last time I drank I got impregnated. Ugh. I held my stomach and wobbled to my room.

I'd been having contractions for a few days now, more often than normal, but I expected that. I was due soon.

I unlocked my door as more drunken college students erupted from their rooms screaming. I stepped inside and went to my bed across the room.

"How was your night?" Kathryn asked me from her bed, looking up from her Nook.        

"It was alright. I'm exhausted and these damn contractions make it impossible to sleep." I held my belly, that weighed more than I do as I sat down and had a rather painful contraction.

It made me whimper slightly.

"You okay?" She asked alerted. She put down her device and came to sit beside me.

"Uh-huh. That hurt."

She smiled and reached forward a little. "Are they moving?"

She loved being able to feel my twin daughters move. "Yeah, go ahead." I said leaning back a little smiling.

She placed her small hand on my belly and I cringed as another contraction took over me. I felt like I was peeing my pants and couldn't stop.

She stood and backed away as I gasped at pain and embarrassment.

"Sever!" She laughed. "Your water broke!"

The contraction ended and my eyes widened in alarm. "What?"

"We have to get you to the hospital." She said gabbing my 'go-bag' which I packed a few days ago in case I went into labor and needed to leave immediately. Like now, as an example.

While she shut off her nook, the lamps and grabbed me a new pair of pants, I slipped my now soaking ones off in between contractions that were getting closer and closer together.

"Call Brianna!" I told her as another contraction overcame me.

When it ended, I breathed heavy breaths and slipped on a new pair of pants she set by my side.

She took my cell phone out of my class bag and called Brianna.

"It's go time!" She shouted. "Hurry up, we will meet you at the hospital."

She nodded to the phone while I stood in pain.

"Sever, She wants you to talk to her,"

I took the phone and whimpered. "What?" I cringed.

"Angel wants to come." She said in a small voice.

He had come back to be with Ava after I left.

I ignored the fact that he HAD come back and moved on. Well, not really, it was more like I was distracting myself with attractive other men to pretend he never existed. I dated them, but never went any further. My belly was too much of a distraction.

"I don't care." I hung up and gave Kathryn my phone.

"Jay!" She yelled down the hallway.

Jay and Stephen came running. Jay was a cute man who had a crush on me, and Stephen was Kathryn's boyfriend.

I fell back in more pain onto the bed and screamed.

Jay took my hand and pulled it around his shoulder. Stephen did the same to my other arm and the both held below my legs while I cried silently in pain.

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