When Tragedy Strikes *chapter five*

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It was still dark out, I figured sometime around three in the morning when my phone began to buzz beneath the pillows. I thrust my hands beneath them quickly and silenced my phone before Angel woke up. I quickly answered the phone, not checking to see who it was, and then looked through the dark, with weak, exhausted, eyes. Angel didn't move.

He was lying on his side facing me, eyes closed lightly, and mouth slightly open to breathe as his nose was drowning in the pillow. His hair was hanging in his face like usual, but not covering his eyes or the scar on one.

"Sever, are you there?" I herd Brianna ask me. I nodded, and moved his hair back gently so it didn't cover his face at all.

"Sever," she whispered into the phone. "Yes, Brianna, I am here." I told her reassuringly realizing she couldn't have seen me nod.

"Why didn't you answer?" she asked.

"I nodded like an idiot thinking you would see me..." I confessed.

She giggled. "You aren't an idiot, you're weird though." she continued to have a giggle fit. I scowled, knowing she couldn't see me.

"Why did you call?" I asked wanting to go back to sleep next to him. It was so tempting to kiss him in his sleep. He looked so peaceful. I settled for resting my hand on his, where it rested on the corner of the pillow. He was so pale I could see the outline of his body in the almost nonexistent light. I smiled softly.

"You were supposed to sleep over and the party was over and the party ended half an hour ago. It is protocol, as a best friend, to call if you end up ditched at a party even if the party is over. I wanted to make sure you weren't kidnapped or worse! So where the heck are you?" she asked like an angry mother.

"In someone's bed." I answered attempting to sound joking, but giggled like a twelve year old being tickled by her father. I frowned realizing I recalled memories. I hated thinking about my father or my sister. As much as I loved them, and I loved the memories, they all brought back bad memories from the accident.

"Oh my god, you did it?!" she screeched.

"No, shut up, he is sleeping. We were just sleeping in the same bed, NOTHING happened." I emphasized.

"Oh lord, do you really think I am going to believe you!?" she squealed.

"Seriously, Brianna, nothing happened." I told her in a calm voice I knew she would believe. And it was true, nothing happened, but we did make out a couple times...

She didn't need to know that...

"Okay, this is the sis code," I giggled at the title." You have to beat the crap out of Andrew for me. You sleep in his bed; you have to beat him for cheating on me." I giggled, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"I'm not with Andrew..." I admitted.

"Who are you with then...?" she asked as if not remembering the last few hours.

"Angel..." I whispered attempting to contain my happiness.

He moved a little, and I almost cried at the thought of him waking up. There was no way in hell did I want him to wake up from his peaceful state.

"Good for you, girl." She told me proudly. "I commend him too, I never knew he had it in him!" she laughed at the joke. But I just shook my head.

"I told you nothing happened right? Yeah, I am pretty sure I did." I giggled quietly.

"I am never going to believe you..." she told me.

"Can I give up and go back to sleep?" I asked.

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