Rainstorm and a Playground *chapter eight*

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Brianna's Point of View:

I walked home crying. I only held my composure for moments when walking away from Sever. I briefly texted Evra telling him to not bother coming to get us, and he texted back asking why, but I took out my contacts, and put on my glasses. Before I knew it, I was sobbing like crazy, walking home in the drizzling rain.

I felt guilty as hell. It’s my entire fault, I pushed her to this. I didn’t help her. I thought hopelessly. I should have been there, and not told her over the phone her friend was dead.

I went from a quick walk to a jog. The further I moved away from her, the further away from pain I would be.

A real friend would turn around… I thought. I could barely see, and trying to walk again and be less frantic, I tripped over a gravestone. Two large arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my up before I could slam my head on a nearby stone.

“Brianna,” he gasped. Evra, but I told him not to come.

“Evra, I told you not to come.” I wiped my face and held myself up. He still had one hand on my back and another wiping a tear from my other cheek away.

“And I'm supposed to listen to you why?” he asked chuckling lightly.

“I don’t know… but it would be nice to know that someone listens to me other than the one person who just pushed me away.”  I told him looking down.

He put his free hand under my chin and gently jerked it up so I would look at him.

“What happened?” he asked me softly.

Droplets fell onto the lenses of my glasses as I looked at him. He looked at me underneath his thick black bangs. He had a grey beanie in and a big black sweat shirt that was only zipped halfway. I could see his shirt underneath and it was a Slipknot shirt. I heard about the band from Sever from when she went with her cousin to a concert to see Slipknot live.

“Brianna…” he said when I didn’t answer.

“I told her to go to hell, Evra.” I cried. “I never say that!” I stressed so he knew how bad everything was.

“What did she say to you?” he asked still calm.

I didn’t have a clue how anyone would be calm with such a horrible friend. I was a horrible friend.


“Sever why do you always write about people fighting?” I asked her while reading her new installment to her writing journal. She had an obsession with writing that I could never understand. I hated to read anything other than teen fiction stories, so it was a good thing she wrote teen fiction. There was a pair of friends fighting in the story at the moment and it was a little scary.

To think about two best friends fighting only made me jump to conclusions. The two characters were so much like she and I and I didn’t want us to ever fight.

“I don’t know,” she said softly. “I just hope we never fight.” She said looking up from her phone. “If we ever fight, which I don’t see happening because we trust each other and tell each other a lot of stuff, don’t go and tell me to go to hell and try and fix it, don’t walk away. Don’t let me walk away. Promise you wont.” She said with her eyes determined for an answer.

“Sever!!!” I heard Steph call from the bathroom.

“What, Steph,” she called back.

“Can we go play on the swings?” she asked in her little girl voice that made her sound absolutely adorable.

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