Calla Lilies *chapter eleven*

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Life is unpredictable. One minute, you have everything you could ever wish for, and the next, you are loosing it all. When you loose someone or something all too dear to you you feel like you are in a deep dark abyss that you can't escape from. You try and scream for help, you try and escape, but truely there is no use is there? I knew that abyss all too well.

I watched as my friend, Sever, crumbled within the horrible place when her sister died, and now I was watching it again. I held Taryn in my arms. She almost collapsed to the floor with the news. I wasn't strong enough to hold her but Evra knew this and grabbed the both of us. He sat us down gently on Taryn's porch stairs. Taryn's mother didn't want to give the news to her, and thought it would be best if Sever and I both delivered the news, but Sever was resting after being put under heavy medication, and Taryn was demanding to find Christine.

"She can't be dead!" she sobbed into my shoulder. "I killed her?!" I wanted to cry too.

"No," I protested. "She was hit by the other car," I told her.

Evra had his head resting in the palm of my hands beside me. He looked just as defeated as I did, and I felt horrible about not being able to do anything. I moved an arm from around Taryn's small frame and placed it on Evra's knee. Taryn pushed away from me and walked inside. My eyes followed her, then dropped to my waist when her screen door slammed shut.

Evra's arms snaked their way around my stomach. I put my hands on his and he pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hid my face in his shoulder. Tears bubbled in the corners of my eyes for so long, and once my face was in Evra's shoulder, I let the water works loose.

His head rested on top of mine and he held his arms around me. "Angel told me that the funeral is Tomorrow." he whispered quietly.

"Its so soon," I said as my silent tears slowed to a halt.

"I think you should go." he told me.

Sever's Point of View:

Angel held my hand tightly as I scanned over the clothes racks. I needed a dress for the funeral. I knew that bright pink would get me glares, so I had to drag Angel all over the mall to find a decent dress.

I hated the idea of an open casket holding one of my best friends' body, but it wasn't up to me. What I hated most was not knowing what was worse. Angel was pulling away, Christine was dead, and it was all my fault.

"What about this?" I heard Angel call me across the isle of clothing racks before me. I looked up and saw him holding a black dress with wilting flowers down the side.Wilting pink flowers. Roses. Christine loved roses more than anything because it was the last thing her father gave her before going off to Iraq. He died there a few weeks later, but ever since, she cherished roses and their meanings.


Brianna's Point of View:

I decided to spend the night at Evra's house. Ava slept in Angel's room and they avoided us completely. It was a bit awkward, but I tried not to dwell on it too much.

The thing I was focused on most was Christine. And tomorrow. And a funeral. And the pain. And the fact that I couldn't let Evra see me cry.

He was laying next to me, peacefully sleeping in the pitch black room. Not only was I afraid of the dark, but I was afraid of whimpering in agony and waking him. It didn't stop me from thinking about her porcelain cheeks, her gorgeous smile, bouncy brown hair, hazel eyes.

Tears swelled in my eyes and then slid down my cheeks. I whimpered and turned my head to hide my tears and silence my cries into the pillow. Evra tightened his arms around my body and pulled me against him. I curled against him and hid my face into his bare chest.

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