Night Out *chapter seven*

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After Angel dropped us off and I carried my phone, shoes and a blanket to the back yard, Brianna and I decided blankets were over rated so we might as well go on the swings. When Steph, my sister, was a newborn, my mom was weak and my dad was always working so I took care of her. I brought her to Brianna’s house when she was month old and she could hold herself up.

Brianna’s Dad had set up a swing set for us and a baby seat for Steph. Brianna and I took turns pushing her on the swing. When I would sleep over Brianna’s house the first two years of Steph’s life I would bring her with me. We would stay up as late as the little girl could manage playing on the swings while listening to Brianna’s stereo.

After Steph’s death, no one touched the swing set. Not even Brianna’s parents. No one wanted to think about the painful memories. Even Mom would avoid visiting the house to try and forget, but I didn’t want to forget. I wanted to remember.

So with Christine and Brianna at my side, we wrote down every amazing and horrible memory in order of occurrence that we could remember in a journal, and whenever I wanted to remember her, I would read it.

When my mom was in a bad place and unable to care for me, I was in Tim’s house reading an entry to the journal. Some days I would read the whole journal in one day. For the longest time, the only memories I couldn’t forget where the ones that were of me and Brianna with Steph on the swing set. I loved those ones best.

After a year of ignoring her death, I finally got up the courage, tonight, to sit on the swings.

Brianna played one of the songs Steph loved most, at my request and we pushed ourselves back and forth attempting to see who could get higher first. I of course one and laughed as Brianna leaped at the highest point from the swing and landed on her feet.

“Now aren’t you a cat?” I asked.

“No, I'm to purr-fect to be a feline.” She laughed.

“That is such a bad joke!” I laughed leaping like she had from the swing and landing next to her.

“I know,” she laughed lying on the blanket.

“Hey,” she said as I sat down next to her.

“What,” I replied.

“Did you know about Christine’s will?” she asked.

“She had one?” I asked.

“Yeah, my mom wrote a message on the fridge saying that we were requested as primaries for her.” She told me. “She put a lot of things in her will to us.” She finished.

“Why would she have a will, she was only eighteen?” I asked.

“Considering the events, she was pretty smart to get one.”

I only nodded. Brianna fell asleep in minutes and I didn’t bother to do anything about it. I just lay there too.

I'm going to miss her…


Brianna's Point of View:

I woke up to find I was asleep outside, alone. Sever ditched me, which was out of character for her. I only hoped that Taryn’s near death experience wasn’t causing this and that she just went inside to go to the bathroom.

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