Friends <3 *chapter six*

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Authors note)

I dedicate this story to Brianna and Taryn and all my other friends because they are like my second family, and I love you guys <3 thanks for always being there.


“Wake the hell up!” I ordered Taryn, but she didn’t move.

A nurse pulled a curtain in front of me as Angel, I guessed, pulled me back and out of the room. I screamed and cried for Taryn, but it was hopeless…

“Clear,” a nurse yelled and then nothing, the line still was flat. I stopped fighting him. It was no use, he was stronger than me and I wasn’t going to get her back even if there was such a thing as a miracle.

“I lost her too…” I whispered. I lost my best friends, my sister and father all in one year. I stood up feeling Angel’s hands slip from my arms.  

I turned and faced him. He draped his arm over my shoulder standing next to me. I slipped my hand into his pocket while he rested his head on mine. We just stood there in the hallway next to the wall, waiting. I slipped my phone out of his pocket and dialed Taryn’s mother.

It rang only twice before she answered. “Sever, what’s wrong, is Taryn okay?” she asked frantic. I inhaled deep before answering.

“Her heart beat went dead, they are trying to revive her.” I answered.

Her mom choked back sobs and hung up. Next was her father. He drove me to dances when my parents couldn’t. He let me stay at his house with Taryn for a week when my mom was too depressed to take care of me because of the accident. He threw me a sweet sixteen when I was staying at his house because I was getting as depressed as my mother. And most of all, he was like a dad to me when mine wasn’t there anymore. He was Taryn’s dad. He was the reason she and I considered ourselves best friends.

I regrettably dialed his number. It rang twice just like for her mother before he frantically answered. “Sever, what’s wrong?!” he shouted horrified.

“Her line went flat; they are trying to revive her…” I hated saying it the first time, not to mention the second.

He hung up.

I slipped my phone back into Angel’s large front pocket and didn’t take my hand out. It was just comfortable. I pulled him closer to me using the large pocket, but it wasn’t that hard. He didn’t struggle, he just moved.

I leaned my head on his shoulder waiting for news on Taryn.

“Where is Brianna?” I asked. I hadn’t seen where she and Evra went when I was screaming for Taryn to wake up.

“Bathroom,” he answered. It was the first time he spoke since we got here. It made me wonder what Taryn’s last words were. The only two people who could know were now dead.


Brianna’s Point of View:

When her line went flat, I instinctively turned to Evra. Normally, the person who would have been standing behind me, who I would cry to, was Christine or Sever. But Sever was screaming at the lifeless Taryn, and I always turned behind me to the closest person for support. Evra just happened to be behind me.

No matter how many excuses I made, it didn’t explain why HE wrapped his arms around me. He wrapped his arms around me and brought me to the women’s bathroom and calmed me down. NO ONE has ever been able to calm me down so fast. Not even Sever or Christine has ever calmed me down so easily.

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