Hospital Beds *chapter nine*

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Sever’s Point of View:

I woke up in the hospital. I remembered exactly what happened to me last night after Brianna left.

His hands on me, my body in his clutches. I was unable to protect myself. I was alone, hung over, in the rain. It was a passerby who walked over and beat him till he got off of me. She called the police and tried to give a description, but there was nothing she could give.

She didn’t know I was in the hands of three people. The first two were long gone and left me helpless. No, they left me less than helpless. The first one left me with a gash in my head, the second left me with a knife wound, the third left me with bruises. They all left me wounded.

“Is she going to be okay?” I herd my mom whisper outside the hospital room.

“Ma’am, there isn’t much we can do.” I herd a man say. “She was severely beaten and wounded, but she also wont give us any information that would be substantial to finding who did this.” He said to her.

“Can't she take a morning after pill?” she asked sounding hopeless.

“Unfortunately, no; if there are any traces of sperm or seaman, we have to obtain that and a morning after pill will destroy the evidence.”

“She’s only eighteen!” Mom protested. “What if she gets pregnant?” she started to cry.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand and I quickly grabbed it before anyone else heard it.

Taryn snuck her phone in too and texted me.

“I heard what happened from Dad, are you okay?” she asked.

“I am alright,” I typed. “I am just in a little pain.”

My phone buzzed a moment later with her reply. “Dad is severely peeved.”

“Yeah,” I responded. “Mom is mad because I can't take a morning after.”

And then she called me.

“Hello,” I whispered.

“You can't take a morning after?!” she strained in a whisper.

“It could kill the sperm and they need it for evidence.” I answered.

“What if you get pregnant?” she asked.

“Then I get pregnant.” I said not wanting a kid.

“Do you want a baby?”

“Not from a rapist,” I answered.

“Well, you could get an abortion.” She said speaking up.

“I don’t like the idea of abortion unless I will be a bad mother, have a substance abuse problem, money problems or I will die carrying through the pregnancy. Those are the only ways that could cause a baby a bad future.” I told her. “And I don’t fit into any of those categories.”

“You would make a great mother.” She told me reassuringly.

“I have to go, Mom is coming.” I lied.

“Bye, Sever.” We hung up.


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