Screams and Roars *chapter thirteen*

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Brianna's Point of View:

"Calm down, Sever. What is around you? What can you see?" I asked her.

"I'm at the cliffs but I slipped and I fell and I..."


"Babe, put on some pants." Evra ordered me as I sat on the bed waiting for her to finish.

"I was saved..."

"By who?" I asked putting on a pair of pants.

"Angel, but after he pulled me up, he ran off."


"He said he was going to get help but I can't see him anywhere."

"Evra and I are on our way."

"No! Don't bring him."

"Why not?"

"Because... I'm bleeding and he's guy!" she protested.

"He might be able to tell if you lost the baby and I can't drive."

"Whatever. Hurry up."

I hung up, went to the livingroom and picked Ava up in my arms. I carried her outside and Evra followed. We quickly drove to the cliffs.

Sever's Point Of View:

I held my stomach hoping to keep the baby inside of me. I didn't want to lose her if I hadn't already.  

"Sever!" I heard Angel call running down towards me.

"Angel!" I called desperate for his company.

He slid and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to his chest.

"I couldn't find anyone." he whispered.

"I called Evra and Brianna."

"Okay. Any minute and they will be here. we can get you to the hospital and then you can feel better. We will check on our baby and you will be alright. Everything will be alright." It sounded more like he was reassuring himself and not me.

"You said 'our baby', Angel..." I pointed out shocked.

"I'm not going to let you raise her alone." He promised.

"Is she yours?" I asked.

"Not biologically, Sever, but she isn't going to have a father who hooked up with a drunk woman in a graveyard. I'm going to be there. Not him."

Headlights grew closer towards us and eventually stopped right infront of us.

"Sever!" Brianna screamed as she ran to me.

Angel let go of me and went to the car. He opened the back seat door and pulled Ava out.

He sat her in the vacant passenger seat and Evra got out of the car. He rushed to my side as well.

Tears streamed down my face silently. "Sever how long have you been bleeding?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Lay your head down on Brianna's lap." He directed me. I did as I was told but held my small lump of a stomach.

"Open just a little, Sever." Brianna grabbed my hand and held it tightly as I opened my skirt covered legs slightly.

Evra cursed under his breath. "Angel, come here!"

Angel came. "Carry, her to the back seat of the car."

"What's wrong!?" I cried as he picked me up and carried me. I sat on his lap, Ava sat next to us and held my hand and Brianna sat in the passenger seat holding Evra's hand tightly. I knew grim news was to follow.

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