Graduation *chapter one*

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I casually wandered down the halls of my soon to be old high school. Graduation was in less than two hours. Like always, my mother, the snappy English teacher, just had to arrive earlier than all the other teachers and students. I passed through the past few years with straight "A"'s and no punishments for bad behavior. I hadn't had any boyfriends because my mom had a good habit of coming off as the mom you didn't want to mess with.

Of course, my mom wasn't always able to stop me from crushing on a few "cuties". In fact, she liked the idea that I tried to expand my social life. Knowing my mom, she just wanted me to get hurt by someone who didn't have as high an I-Q as me so I wouldn't want to date in college. Yeah, a few broken hearts couldn't stop me from moving on from my first boyfriend.

In the eighth grade a gorgeous Andrew was all for the teacher mom's kid, I wasn't that bad of a looker and I didn't mind him either, in fact, I had a huge crush on him. Well, we dated for a couple months until he wanted me to go a little further than a kiss. THAT was when he crossed the line, I didn't mind a few kisses now and then but that's all he wanted to do, he didn't want any good conversations from me. IDIOT......

Johnathan wasn't any different. He did just what his best friend did. Now they both have "dating the hottest girl in school" on their social record, that in a few hours, social status will no longer matter.

Thank god. Their constant bragging was beginning to annoy me completely. I mean, if I was a jock hoping to get an easy date, I would brag about dating the hottest girl in school too. Then again, if I'm making girls feel like they aren't pretty enough by doing that, then it would make me look like I had the issues. If I was a guy...I would definitely have issues.

Simple minded, pea-brains with no sense of style or personality. And probably a low I-Q. Like all the other idiots who chase me. Blah. I can't wait to leave this place.

I tapped on the lockers as I wobbled down the hallways. The purple and yellow colors together just looked gross. I hated the color yellow, but love the color of purple. A plus to coming to this school: school spirit days require you wear yellow or purple. Gave me an excuse to wear my purple shirt and skinny jeans.

I walked down the padded stairs that I had been reluctant to the past four years because on the bottom floors, floors belonged to the algebra and trigonometry classrooms. I was good at math and such, but I didn't particularly enjoy the way I was taught. Mrs. Herring had the name of a bird and somewhat resembled the long necked bird. It was a little ironic. Like a woman who had a poodle and had a poodle hair style. It was so...weird, for lack of a better word.

The intercom beeped on before my mother's voice was loud and clear... or as she liked to say, "firm". Whatever.

"Sever, please come to the central office and get your graduation gown and cap on, please. Thank you." Her voice chimed in the end but it was alright. She was every ones favorite teacher. I think its because if you were on my moms good side you would have a better chance of getting to me. Yeah, if you're close to my are more likely to be on the list of fails that continues to grow and is beginning to consist of losers and jocks. Which basically gets rid of almost every student in the school. Boy wise.

I turned a few hallways and down a few more staircases, never once missing the place that would be remembered as my prime years. Prime years? And now the topic hit me. Right before I walked into the office with streamers and balloons blocking the door, the topic hit me. Hard. What if I was that popular girl everyone wanted so bad then and was expected to have a predictable life filled with drugs and three pregnancies? This was a topic that wasn't a good thing to bring up with my mom. Not when I just walked into a graduation party... unwillingly. I usually told my mom every thing.

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