Party! *chapter two*

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Rule number one in the party handbook: don't wear a dress. Especially when there is a pool. Its like wanting to get touched inappropriately. Its just... for lack of a better word... brainless.

So of course, Like I do to most parties, I wore a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was an easy dress. And to to it off, I wore a necklace with an angel on it. I thought it was a cute little accessory.

Brianna however wore a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt that was dressy. It had some grey flowers on it and was tight, but it looked really nice on her. My look was more about simplicity. Purple tank top, necklace, shorts, and in the heat of the moment, I added a stud belt that was a checkered in a pattern of purple and black studs. The belt was bought to big for my skinniness, so I made it wrap around my butt and hang off my huge hips. Good enough.

I looked at Brianna, she was giving me a look while I stood in front of my mirror. It was huge, the mirror sat on the ground and went almost all the way up to the ceiling. But I was shorter than it by an inch. Brianna was SO much shorter. Let's just leave it at the fact that she was short.

"Alright, what's the look for?" I put my hands on my hips, waiting for her judgment. We both left our hair the same as it was for graduation, but I shook mine up so it looked a little messy and all on one side. I thought I looked nice.

"I saw the way you were looking at Angel..." she trailed off and smirked at me accusingly.

Oh great. Explaining to do...

" it wasn't like that. He kept annoying me. I had to say something..."

"From what I saw, you weren't saying anything..."

"Shut. Up. I did say something... I told him to stop staring."

She shifted her wait, crossed her arms and gave me a a questioning look. She was really tan as well as mulatto. Blah,she made me look pale. Well, I was a little, but at least I looked good.

Angel is pale....

"Don't tell anyone." Brianna knew me too well. There was no point and telling her I didn't like someone. She always knew. Somehow. Between me and her, it was like she could read my mind. And I could read hers.

For example, I can always tell when she is busy when we are texting. Mainly because I track her phone signal. It wasn't that hard. That and she either texted me on her Ipod or phone. When its her phone, she doesn't have wifi, she isn't home. And I become a super genius. Not really...

"I KNEW IT!!!" She squealed untangling her arms and flailing them at me. " I knew it!" She laughed at me.

I stood there awkwardly, surprised she wasn't grossed out or repulsed by the idea of him. She didn't like the whole goth or "emo" look. Emo, just so you know, is a type of music!

"You're not...."

"Not what?" She stopped her happy dancing and looked at me with another questioning look.

"Grossed out by the idea of him?" I asked standing up straight.

"No," she laughed. " as long as you FINALLY crush on someone other than fictional characters, I'm good. HEY" she yelled to me flailing her arms again, "if you two date, which is doubtful since you are SO not his type, it would be like you, Aphrodite, and him, that ugly guy she married."

I laughed. She was so ridiculous at times. But it was true. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite married the ugliest god, the smiths-man of Zeus, I liked to call him. He made Zeus' lightning bolts. So cool.

"Okay, Brianna, you are such an idiot. Its been prov en." She giggled. " let's get to the car, shall we?" She nodded and smiled. We left my room, now covered in clothes and stereo turning off in its long and tedious process.

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