"Y/n!" she jumped hearing her brother's loud voice shout her name. "Jeez Kid, you don't have to yell all the damn time" she replied walking away from the map she had been drawing. "Where are my goggles" he asked Y/n looked at him "why the hell would I know!" she nearly shouted. "Because you said you were using them to practice drawing circles" Y/n hummed "oh!" she turned and ran into the ship coming back a few moment later with his goggled in hand "here" y/n tossed them to him before returning to the map she had been drawing. She leaned against the table looking at the page before picking up her pencil.
"It looks good" y/n lifted her eyes seeing Killer a smile pulled at her lips "Accurate and beautiful, just like me" Y/n said laughing dragging her pencil across the page "I can agree with that" Y/n paused looking up at him again smiling she giggled. "Thanks Killer, that's sweet" Killer left her to finish drawing her map. The sun began to set and y/n moved into the ship lighting two lanterns so she could see she continued into the night. "You're still awake?" She nearly jumped out of her skin. "Killer you scared the hell out of me" she said he chuckled leaning against her door frame. "You should get some sleep" y/n looked at the masked man before sighing "your right" she set down her pencil and turned the lanterns off before heading towards where he stood at the door. She looked up at him stopping a few steps away from him. "I'm afraid of the dark" she said softly "I know" "will you keep me company?" Killer paused before nodding. "If you'd like" she smiled at him before slowly taking his hand and leading him down the corridor to her bedroom.
She opened the door stepping inside she let his hand go walking to her bed. He closed the door behind him following her the two stayed silent as y/n had lit a candle to light up the room. She walked across the room to her armour where she pulled out a tank top and shorts. Killer averted his gaze turning around. Her hand on his shoulder turned his attention back to her. "Thank you" she said sliding into her bed. She pat the spot beside her watching him slid in beside her. She blew out the candle and laid back lacing her fingers with his as she leaned against his shoulder. "Goodnight Killer" "goodnight y/n"
Killer put his helmet on the table his shirt discarded to the floor. He was woken up by y/n endless tossing and turning the distressed look on her face brought on concern. He turned over wrapping his arms around her smaller frame pulling her into him embrace. She hummed her eyes slowly opening to look at him. "Bad dream?" He asked she simply nodded burying her face into his chest. He squeezed her lightly "I'm not going to let anything happen to you" he said she nodded. "Thank you Killer" she said tilting her head up to look at him. "I love you" the words she had always wanted to say she was finally able to say. He smirked "I know, I love you too" y/n cuddled into him quickly falling asleep.
The next morning y/n woke up recalling the events from a few hours prior. Killer had already got up and started his duties for the day. Y/n stretched and got up getting dressed she walked out on deck seeing Killer standing behind Kid who was rambling on about somthing. She walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him. He was surprised but chuckled at her childish action. "Good morning beautiful" y/n smiled feeling her face warm at those words. She let go "goodmorning" she replied timidly. "Its about time the two of you got together" Kid said arms crossed rolling his eyes. y/n giggled "you two have liked eachother forever!" He exclaimed. Y/n held Killers hand leaning into his arm. "Shes mine now, and I wouldnt trade her for anything" Killer stated. "Me either" y/, winked "you guys are gonna make me sick with that lovey dovey shit" Kid said walking away. Y/n smiled once more before Killer leaned down lifting his helmet just enough for their lips to meet.
The End

One Piece One Shot Reader Inserts
FanfictionOne piece one shots x reader inserts. I started this project in 2016, finished in 2021 I'm happy to see how my writing has progressed thus far I appreciate everyone who has given me tips to make this experience better for everyone. Hope you all enjo...