Nico Robin x (Fem) Reader anniversary

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Requested by yoinks_mayhaps Enjoy!

Y/n was in the kitchen Sanji was teaching her how to make a light cake for her girlfriend. It was their 2 year anniversary and Y/n wanted to do something special to commemorate it. "The cake is almost finished Y/n-chan" Sanji smiled washing his hands. "Thank you so much sanji!" Y/n grinned hugging the cook. He hugged her back "You're welcome in my kitchen anytime Y/n" he replied. Y/n stepped back and bent down to look at the cake in the oven "I hope it turns out okay!" she said tilting her head worriedly. "what if she doesn't like it" Y/n mumbled that part and Sanji placed his hand against her shoulder. "I'm sure Robin-Chan will love it Y/n" he said. They pulled the cake from the stove and left it on the counter to cool y/n sat at the table with a cup a tea in her hands. "What are you two doing?" Zoro asked walking into the kitchen obviously looking for booze. "it's Y/n-chan and Robin-chan's anniversary today" Sanji stated getting up and going to dig out a bottle as to get Zoro out of the kitchen quickly. "Happy anniversary Y/n" Zoro said with a smirk taking the bottle from Sanji's hand. "Thanks Zoro, do you know where Robin went?" Y/n asked "She went into town with Nami and Chopper" Zoro replied heading out the door. Y/n nodded "The cake should be cooled enough by now Y/n-chan" Sanji pipped up. Y/n stood up excited she stood with Sanji and started to ice the cake with a coffee flavored icing. Knowing Robin didn't like anything too sweet Y/n made sure not to over ice the cake. 

A few hours later y/n had set up a spot behind the tangerine trees a picnic basket set on a blanket with a couple of cushions, a bottle of wine. Y/n moved to find Robin Y/n spotted her sitting with a book in her hands. "Robin" Y/n smiled "Hello Y/n" Robin replied smiling back "I um have a surprise for you" y/n said shyly. Robin closed her book and stood up as Y/n held out her hand Robin placed her hand in Y/n's and she was lead up to the spot where Y/n had set everything up. "Oh! how lovely" Robin smiled the two sat down "Happy anniversary Robin, I love you" Y/n said softly looking away. "Happy anniversary Y/n" Robin placed her hand on Y/n's cheek lifting her head slightly pressing her lips against Y/n's. Y/n was slightly surprised but kissed Robin back softly. When they parted Robin smiled "I love you too" Causing Y/n to giggle quietly "I just want you to know I made everything in the basket although Sanji helped but only a little!" Y/n stated. Causing Robin to laugh Y/n pulled some sandwiches out knowing they're Robin's favorite "Thank you Y/n" Robin smiled.

Once the two had finished eating they took to the beach walking hand in hand. "I'm so glad that I met you Robin" Y/n said quietly as she gently squeezed Robins hand. "Me too" she replied squeezing back. Y/n stopped suddenly turning to face the ocean "is something wrong?" Robin asked Y/n shook her head in reply turning to face Robin she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box. She held it out to Robin and smiled shyly opening the box Y/n revealed a ring "Robin you have made me a better person, a stronger person I hope you'll accept this ring and Marry me" Y/n said quietly. Robin stared at y/n smiling she laughed quietly pulling out a similar box. "I was planning to ask you the same question, Yes I will marry you Y/n" Robin said the two exchanged rings and pulled each other into an embrace. "I love you" Y/n whispered "and I you" Robin replied "Let's go back and tell the others the good news" Y/n laughed Robin nodding in agreement. 

Back on the ship "I'm so excited!" Nami shouted Luffy was confused as Usopp started trying to explain the proposal to him. "I'm so happy for you Y/n" Sanji said hugging Y/n "Cheers" Zoro said chugging his drink. "This is Suuuuuper!" Franky announced. Brook began to play a happy tune. "Oh! they're getting Married!" Luffy shouted finally getting it "Why didn't you say that in the first place!?" Luffy asked which resulted in Usopp and Chopper hit him on the head. Resulting in everyone laughing.

The End

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