Sabo x (sister) Reader Sisterly Advice

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Requested by sharl0tte I hope you enjoy!

Y/n sat impatiently waiting for her brothers signal she was sat hanging from a ceiling holding a sniper rifle up the target was in her sights. She heard a bang watching the target's head lift up seeing a bright flare in the sky she pulled the trigger. Watching the target hit the floor she left her perch and rushed to meet with her team. "Oi! Sabo" y/n called spotting her brother with Koala "Y/n nice work" he smiled she nodded. "Let's get back to the agency" Koala said.

The 3 got into a car and made their way back. "What took so long shooting that flare?" Y/n asked from the back seat. "We ran into some trouble" Sabo replied driving "What kind of 'Trouble'?" y/n asked "You know the normal thugs" Koala giggled. They soon got back to the agency and Y/n returned to her office where a pile of paper work sat.

"y/n?" she heard Sabo call knocking on the door. "Come in" she said not bothering to lift her head she continued to fil out her paperwork. "Y/n I have to ask you for some advice" he said nervously closing the door he sat down across from her. Y/n set her pen down and looked at her brother. "What's up?" she asked giving him her full attention.

"I-I think I'm in love with Koala" he said unsure keeping his gaze stuck on his hands. As he fiddled with his gloves Y/n laughed. "You're not sure? little brother even Dragon can see that you like her!" Y/n said throwing her hands up in the air. Sabo rubbed the back of his neck "So how do I tell her?" he asked. Y/n smiled and leaned forward "Alright Bro this is what you're going to do" Y/n began explaining a plan to Sabo who listened intently taking notes.

"What are you doing Y/n? Ivan?" Dragon asked from behind them as they hid around the corner watching Sabo. "Watching my little brother take his first steps into the dating world" Y/n smiled excited Dragon stepped closer watching the scene unfold. "H-Hey Koala" Sabo smiled sheepishly holding a bouquet and a box of her favorite chocolates "Hi Sabo oh! are those for me!?" she asked excitedly. "Yes, Koala I have something to tell you!" he said becoming more confident she took the flowers and chocolates from him. "What is it Sabo?" she asked.

"I'm in love with you!" he blurted out she stood there shocked but quickly smiled "I know~!" she teased watching him blush. She kissed his cheek "Would you care to go on a date with me this weekend?" he asked fiddling with his gloves once again. Y/n Squealed alerting the two of them that she was there Ivan and Dragon slapped their hands over her mouth the three hiding against the wall. Sabo and Koala stepped around the corner seeing the three standing there "What are you guys up to?" Sabo asked crossing his arms.

"I'm so proud of you Sabo!" Y/n said hugging her younger brother tight. "Alright y/n! I can't breath!" he said she quickly let him go. "I hope you two enjoy your date~!" y/n grinned "I was wondering when you were gonna ask her on a date" Dragon said smiling slightly. "You two are adorable! oh to be young again!" Ivan sighed. "Now it's my turn to hook you up with him y/n" Sabo said. Watching her face turn bright red. "Him? whose him y/n and why haven't you told me about it!?" Ivan shouted upset that she hadn't told him. "Oh look at the time I have another mission to get to! See you guys later!" y/n said running down the hall to the garage. "Get back here and spill the tea y/n!" Ivan shouted chasing after her. "Good luck Sabo I give you my blessing!" y/n yelled before turning the corner. Sabo and Koala looked at each other before laughing "Come on let's get back to work" Sabo said. "I'll see you for our date tomorrow Sabo" Koala winked.

The End

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