This is a request for some reason Wattpad didn't save properly and I've lost the requester I'm very sorry for that >_<
Y/n fought against the marines they were on their way to an island to steal some supplies for their expedition when they were caught by the marines. She held her sword in hand moving swiftly through them. She stood surrounded by bodies that laid on the ground. "For someone with so much potential, you sure chose the wrong occupation" The vice admiral leading the crew said. Many more marines stood behind him ready for battle he wore a dog hat on his head cracking his knuckles as he began to walk towards her.
Y/n touched the ground the earth began to shake rising up it came crashing down over him. Her eyes widened in shock as he punched it into bits she readied her sword it was knocked from her hands she looked past the vice admiral seeing a blonde man wearing a visor over his eyes. Regaining her focus the man's fist made contact with her head knocking her unconscious.
She woke up on the floor of a cell she took in her surroundings "I'm alive" she whispered. "Yes you are" she looked up surprised by the sudden voice the Vice admiral stood in front of her cell looking down at her with a smirk. "I see potential in you pirate, if you renounce yourself as a pirate you can begin training as a marine under my watch" he said arms crossed over his chest. Y/n looked at the floor "Alright" she said quietly "What? that easy? usually you pirates are much harder to convert" he said laughing. She stood up "it's not like I have much of a choice if I want to keep living" she said avoiding his gaze her hands were closed into fists she looked up at him finally. He laughed "I'm vice admiral Garp, tell me about yourself kid" he stated sitting on a nearby chair.
Y/n told Garp about her life, Why she became a pirate how she became a devil fruit user. "I can control any surface I touch" she said looking at the seas stone cuffs they had put on her. "Heh, once we get back to base we'll start your training" he stated standing up and leaving her there. A little while later the blond man that had taken her sword stood in front of her cell holding a tray with food on it. She looked up at him as he slid it under the bars she hesitantly walked over sitting in front of it. "thank you" she said looking up at him he nodded. "Vice admiral Garp said you're going to be training with us" she nodded eating silently. "you're a swordsman?" he questioned she nodded again "You sure don't talk much do you?" he asked. Y/n swallowed her food "I don't like to talk with my mouth full" she stated. His face flushed pink, "Sorry I'll let you eat in peace" he said quickly leaving embarrassed.
A few weeks later
y/n's sword clashed with another sweat dripped of her face her muscles yelling at her to stop fighting. She pushed through it tagging the ground with her fingers it began to move and sway Helmeppo fell backwards his arms and legs stuck in the ground. "that's cheating y/n!" he called she laughed sitting down "It's not cheating it's playing to my strengths" she breathed trying to catch her breath Helmeppo chuckled "come on y/n let me go" he said she touched the ground again releasing him she laid back on the ground. "Hey! are you two slacking off!" Garp called walking towards them "No sir, just taking a small break to stay hydrated sir!" Helmeppo said standing up and dusting himself off.
"I saw the end of your spar, good job playing to your strengths y/n! it's good to know when you're outmatched, but don't rely on your quirk too much, remember it has it's limits" he said she nodded sitting up as Helmeppo threw a water bottle at her. "thanks" she said drinking it "alright let's get back at it" Helmeppo said. Y/n tried to stand up she flinched and sat back down. "Are you alright?" he asked kneeling down, "I think I over did it" she said quietly pain filled her voice. "Alright, that's enough for today, Helmeppo take care of her and take tomorrow off the two of you you're body is going to need it" Garp said.
Helmeppo picked y/n up off the ground carrying her back towards her room you should relax for a while and maybe have a long soak, if you want something great for muscles I've got a couple things that could help" he said y/n refused to look at his face embarrassed. Over the past few weeks that she had gotten to know him, she began to develop a crush. "Helmeppo" she said softly as he set her down on her bed. "What is it y/n?" he asked looking at her. "Would you care to spend the day with me tomorrow?" she asked looking at her hands face bright pink. He smiled "Yes, I think that would be great!" he said. She looked up at him surprised "really?" she asked "Of course! I can take you around the island tomorrow show you some things" he said. She grinned "that would be amazing thank you" she cheered.
The next morning
Y/n woke up excited to spend the day with Helmeppo, she got dressed and brushed her hair. As if on que there was a knock at the door she walked over pulling it open. Her favorite blond stood there a small smile on his face "shall we?" he asked. she nodded and walked with him out of the marine base Helmeppo took her to the town square there were decorations everywhere "what's going on?" she asked "Every year the town has their harvest festival" Helmeppo explained y/n saw many stands full of produce and dairy products. She smiled "I've never been to a festival before!" she said Helmeppo smiled "Well we better get going so you can have the full experience!" Helmeppo said. Y/n smiled as he grasped her hand leading her around the town.
Day turned to night and the town was lit up by beautiful lights "Wow" Y/n said smiling admiring everything. "wow is right" He said she looked at him to see he was looking at her. Her face flushed pink and she looked away "Thank you for today Helmeppo" she said quietly he nodded looking towards the lights. "It was my pleasure y/n, I hope to take you out again" he said. "That would be great" Y/n said she leaned towards him pressing her lips against his cheek. He was surprised she pulled away avoiding his gaze. "you missed" he said softly before leaning back towards her his fingers touching her cheek as he kissed her softly. It was y/n's turn to be surprised as he pulled back she stared at him. "Will you go out with me again?" he asked her surprise turned into a smile as she nodded putting her hand over his.
The End

One Piece One Shot Reader Inserts
FanfictionOne piece one shots x reader inserts. I started this project in 2016, finished in 2021 I'm happy to see how my writing has progressed thus far I appreciate everyone who has given me tips to make this experience better for everyone. Hope you all enjo...