𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞- 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧

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A/N: Mitra is pronounced Mee-tra, however if you want it's perfectly cool to pronounce it M-eye-tra, I don't mind! Also, Mitra's parents are Russian and Mexican, and Makari's dad is not in the picture, but we will get to that eventually! Makari is pronounced Mac-ar-ee, but it can also be pronounced M'c-ar-i, like... faster? idk if that's how it's described but you understand, right? ok, please proceed to the chapter...

After pulling out of the long driveway to Claudia's home, Mitra, Rafe, Makari and Bernard all drove to a small convenience store right in between the cut and figure eight.

Rafe clasped Bernard's collar and lead on whilst Mitra helped Makari out of his car seat.

The boy licked his aunt's cheek, as babies do, before she set him down and he stumbling lightly over to Rafe, who was stroking Bernard.

He pressed his face against his back and made gargling sounds, slavering on the back of Rafe's t-shirt.

The brunette boy laughed and passed the leash over to Mitra before standing up, holding the boy on his back with his arms around his neck and one hand on his back, "you safe up there big guy?" he asked, a smirk on his lips as he opened the door to the store.

The boy babbled some more and left wet kisses on the top of his head. Mitra laughed as she watched with fondness in her eyes.

She had only ever seen this side of Rafe once before, the kind side that carried kids around on his back and made aeroplane noises as he ran through corner store aisles, the side that jumped into the back of cars to hide from his friends and laughed with her about it afterwards, the side that looked down at her with a fond smile as he passed her bags of chips for them to eat once they got back, the side that snuck the little boy an extra ice cream when Mitra wasn't looking.

Truth be told, Rafe was being the real him, not the drugged up, subdued and then suddenly angry Rafe that everyone knew, because this was the most sober he had ever been in his recent life, and though he was growing more tired by the minute, he didn't show it.

Instead, he continued carrying the boy around as they exited the store. It was raining now, the sky darkening more and more as thick drops fell from the clouds.

Rafe set Makari down upon Mitra's orders and she took his hand to lead him into the rain for a small play, something her parents used to do with her.

Rafe made his way to the trunk and opened it. He placed the bags in the boot before turning around.

He watched as Mitra, Makari and Bernard all jumped in puddles and laughed as water soaked them.

The girl and the toddler were enjoying the small things, they didn't care about the fact that their shoes made wet sounds when they stepped and they didn't care that they were getting soaked because they were having fun, and Rafe had never experienced that feeling until he joined in.

He took Mitra's hand in his and spun her around, water flying of her hair as he did, hitting him in the face. He laughed and picked her up, their noses practically touching as he twirled, water falling from his brow.

Makari hadn't noticed as the two stared deeply into each other's eyes, water falling into their mouths that hung open. Instead he continued playing with the dog, letting him lick his face as they were the same height once both stood up.

Rafe pushed some wet locks out of Mitra's eyes, smiling at her softly. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to her's, like she would break if he used anything more than a feathery touch.

She reacted almost immediately, her hand cupping his jaw as his went to her back, pressing lightly so she was flush against his chest.

The kiss lasted 3 seconds before she pulled away, breathless and soaked.

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