𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱- 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲?

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The white Tesla pulled up to the Cameron residence and Mitra got out, making her way to the back seat and hauling the baby, that was now basically her son, into her arms, his small head resting on her left one and her right one supporting his back.

Rafe wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her inside, calling for Rose.

Lana Grubbs and Ward Cameron came into the foyer, and the man of the two was telling her not to worry, which obviously wasn't working.

Miss Lana, as most call her, spotted the two and the baby and made her way over, a pained smile on her face, "hey Miss Lana, how are you?" Mitra asked, somehow still bubbly even with a new son and a sister in a coma.

Lana smiled and stroked the babies' cheek, "I'm ok, worried about my husband, Scooter? He hasn't been seen since before the storm and I think he could be hurt" she stressed, causing Mitra to rub her arm comfortingly, bringing the baby so his head was on her shoulder instead.

Ward Cameron rushed her to leave, hand coming to her back as he practically kicked her out of the house.

Mitra was taken aback slightly by his harshness, the way he shooed Lana away not sitting right with her.

"Hey Mitra, Rafe" he greeted, slightly warmer to the girl than his own son.

"Hi Mister Cameron" she greeted, holding her hand out for him to shake.

He accepted, wrist moving up and down as he made small talk.

"And who's this little guy?" he asked, taking notice of the baby on Mitra's shoulder.

The girl smiled sadly, "this is Makari, my... Nephew? Son? I'm not really sure, it's a long story. My sister got into a car wreck earlier today so I'm his guardian now, it doesn't look like she's going to wake up" she told him solemnly.

His face washed with sympathy, hand coming to her shoulder, "well I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart, your sister's a very nice girl" he consoled.

Rafe nodded his head, eager to move past his father and find Rose, "yeah, right. Is Rose around here?"

Ward nodded his head and pointed upstairs before leaving to attend to some business.

Rafe lead Mitra upstairs, into a large room filled with books and Rose, who was sipping a cocktail whilst scrolling through her phone.

"Hey... Rose? I- uh, we need your help" he announced, hand awkwardly rubbing his neck, uncomfortable with asking his step-mother for anything.

The woman looked up, a smile on her red-painted lips as she set her drink down, "ah, Rafe! And Mitra Covicov! What a lovely surprise. I'm sorry to hear about your sister dear, I drove past the wreck this morning" she offered Mitra a sad smile, which didn't last long as she spotted the baby in her arms.

"Oh, is this Makari? I haven't seen him since he was a newborn!" she beamed, walking over to them, heels clicking on the clean flooring.

Rafe cleared his throat as Mitra handed her the sleeping baby, "right, that's what we need help with. Do you think you could show Mitra how to be, like, a mom?" he asked, awkward as ever.

Rose's eyes lit up and she looked over to Mitra, who had a pleading expression, "I would love to!" she whisper yelled.

Mitra smiled as she was handed back the baby and dragged into another room, turning to mouth 'goodbye' to Rafe before she left, who smiled as he watched her retreat through the doorway.

Rose spent the next several hours going through everything with Mitra, how to clean his nose, everything she would need for a permanent nursery (which she had most of already, considering the amount of time Mak spent at her house).

As it turned out, Mitra was already exceptionally knowledgeable on the topic of motherhood, which pleasantly surprised Rose as they rejoined Rafe in his bedroom.

Rose left them with a final goodbye before sauntering back to the room she was in before, leaving the two stood in the room with the now awake baby.

"How you doing?" Rafe asked, standing from his bed and taking Mak from her, setting him on the floor with a toy aeroplane he had found.

Mitra offered a tired smile and ran her hand through her hair, "tired, and stressed" she told him.

Rafe nodded his head understandingly and opened his arms for a hug.

Mitra placed her arms around his waist as his covered her shoulders. Small cries left her lips, the past 5 hours finally catching up to her.

Rafe rubbed circles on her back comfortingly, whispering to her that everything was going to he ok.

And she believed him.

Somehow, when Rafe said it was going to be ok, she believed him.

And that's when it hit her that she had feelings for him, weird feelings that were made complicated by the baby she now had, but feelings nonetheless.

She closed her eyes and pulled him closer, cheek against his chest as his chin rested on her head.

Makari made a babble noise from the floor, and the two looked over to see him waving the aeroplane in the air and making noises with his mouth.

"I think... I taught him that?" Rafe asked, visibly confused as he realised he had made a small impact on the boy.

Mitra nodded and picked him up, spinning him round with a watery laugh before making her way back to Rafe, "yeah, I think you did" she agreed.

Mak reached his arms out for Rafe, making grabby hands as he did, "dada" he blabbered.

Rafe's head snapped to Mitra's, who was equally as shocked as he was.

To her surprise, Rafe laughed and took him in his arms, kissing his head.

"What, are you his daddy now?" she laughed, brushing the wisps of hair on the babies head.

Rafe looked at her with a dirty grin, "I could be somebody else's daddy as well" he joked, winking as she swatted his shoulder and laughed.

Rafe realised that her laugh made his heart skip a beat, the sound like music to his ears as it left her plump lips.

He realised that he had feelings for her, feelings that made him want to protect her and Mak with his life, if necessary.

He swallowed thickly and spoke up, "I- I think I like you, Mitra".

The girl's eyes flickered up to him, a smile on her lips, "I think I like you too, Rafe".

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘- 𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora