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The next few days Mew started spending time with Gulf. He doesn't know the feelings the younger is making him feel. He likes the way Gulf roam around the house in his clothes. Sometimes Gulf also caught him looking with heart eyes but he doesn't care. The way Gulf keeps calling him hubby always makes his stomach weird. Besides of all these gulf's cooking has become favourite of Mew. He started having his all 3 meals which are cooked by one and only gulf. He always comes late in college, disappear in lunch time and goes home soon. This was also noticed by his gang. First few days, they were okay but now it's already been a week since Mew was ditching them.

Currently Mew is with his gang at their usual spot. They are discussing about some new chick who has crush on Mew.

"Mew, brother are you even listening us???" Mike one of his gang asked him annoyed.

Mew just hmm in reply.

"You know there is a girl named lily in the first year, man she is the living goddess" leo said and everyone agreed except mew and his bestfriend tong.

"Oh Mew, what happened to you?? You are acting so strange dude" this time it was max who said this.

Mew finally looked at them annoyed and said " I'm not interested in that lily girl, if you are then go and fuck her".

It made them silent as nobody dared to talk Mew Suppasit back specially this gang of Mew, who followed him like a puppy following its owner.

Just in time first came running to them.
"Hey guys, want some new information??" He said wiggling his eyebrows. He was one of the people who loves to do gossip. He knows everything which is happening in college.

"Huh now what happened first" leo asked

Mew was silent again as he was looking for a perfect movie for their movie night plan. But mention of his husband's name snap him out of his world. He couldn't listen so he asked first to repeat.

"I was saying that lily and gulf are fighting in the corridor. That girl is really a bitch, she even slapped gulf" he laughed telling his friends as if it was so funny. This also took Mew a second to stand and go to the place . His friends were confused but still followed him after.


Gulf was with his two bestfriends who were again bickering about something nonsense. They were going to library as their class got cancelled. He also started bickering as they started pointing at him. In between their nonstop stupid talks, Gulf bumped to someone. He apologized to that person and started walking again.

"Don't you have eyes??????" The girl said holding gulf's arm making his stop .

"I'm so sorry, it was just a mistake" gulf apologized.

"Oh you are gulf kanawut right?? Who keeps messing with my husband" lily said venomously.

Gulf got confused and said " I don't know your husband miss and yes I'm Gulf kanawut".

Lily started laughing , students gathered around them to look at the scene.

"Mew Suppasit, don't you know him huh??" Lily said raising his eyebrows.

"Oh Mew but wait when did he become your husband??" He asked pointing at the girl already hating her as she dared to say this.

"Since the day, he asked me out. " Lily replied confidently as she wants everybody to know this.

It was silence for a second but then Gulf started laughing so hard. Everybody looked at him as if he is a psycho. His friends tried to make him stop as they know what gonna happened.

"So you are telling me, he is your husband because he asked a whore like you to go out with him" he said with a expressionless face.

Lily got angry "how dare you to call me a whore" she shouted

Gulf chuckled and said " oh sorry, I should call you a slut or bitch who lies to get in any man's pant" . Gulf was angry was an understatement because man he was boiling inside to even think his husband cheating on him again. It's not his fault if he thought so because he is well aware of his husband's past life.

His thoughts came to an end when lily slapped him.
"You bastard, I will make sure Mew will kill you" just as she completed , Mew came running to them.

It got more people attention now. Mew stopped in his steps when he saw gulf's red cheek. But that girl only became more happy.

"Oh dear, you didn't need to come for me, I can handle this much" lily said as she came close to Mew. But mew kept looking at gulf's face. his heart was hurting so much. When gulf looked at Mew, he lost it thinking Mew again did this.
"So Suppasit, you came to save your babygirl huh??" Mew kept silent , he could see the hurt in gulf's eyes.
"So now, you are going to be silent" gulf continued
"What did I say you last time, maybe you forgot it" gulf looked at that girl's hand which were holding Mew's arm. Mew noticed it and harshly removed his hand from that girl's grip. This only made gulf to chuckle. "You don't need to Mew, just go to your slut . I warned you before that maybe didn't effect you but I was damn serious Suppasit. " Gulf moved closer to mew grabbing his collar . He was going to punch him but mew caught his fist. Everybody was waiting for Mew to beat the boy in pulp but what happened next made everybody's eyes to fall out and jaw hit the ground. Mew hugged the boy. The Mew Suppasit hugged his so called enemy. A lone tear escaped gulf's eye when he felt his husband's arms around him. "Let me go you idiot. Don't touch me" he was trying to break free from the hug but Mew didn't let him. After some minutes he stopped struggling. Actually Mew's first motive was to calm the boy. When he felt that gulf calmed down, he let the boy go but still in his arms. He gently touched gulf's red cheek and asked " who did this??" But gulf was silent. He again asked but now sternly " Gulf I asked who did this??". The younger looked at lily as if telling Mew. Mew glared at that girl but again looked at gulf when he started talking " she said that you asked her out and " Gulf stopped but mew wanted to listen everything so he squeezed his waist telling him to speak " and you are her husband" . The last part was in small voice as if mew wouldn't be close to gulf, he couldn't listen.
This time he properly looked at that girl who was standing there shocked like everyone around.
" I don't even know her then how can I ask her out" Mew said to gulf almost pleading him to believe. This made gulf to look at him apologetically. He then looked at that girl and said " so this bitch was actually telling a lie" and mew nodded his head. All eyes now went to lily , she got embarassed and thought to running away but tong came stopping her to move.
"Where are you going babygirl??" He grabbed her hand and took her with him. She was saying sorry to mew but all that time Mew was looking at gulf. When gulf noticed their position and their surroundings, he tried to break from his husband's strong grip. This time Mew let him go only to intertwin their hands.

"If anyone messes with gulf then it means they are messing with Mew Suppasit. I hope I will not have to repeat it in future" mew announced looking at the crowd, there were whispers here and there but first time Mew didn't care about what they think of him. His gang was also there glaring at the crowd to make them stop their whispers. They also had many questions but being loyal to mew, they stood with him at that time. Mew just ignored them and He just looked at the smiling boy at his side. After that He called for his cousin Becky and said her to take care of gulf. He once again hugged the boy and went away with his gang leaving a smiling and blushing boy behind.........

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