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"Mom. Dad" someone excitedly said and that someone was none other than our Gulf. He just entered mension when he heard familiar voices and his suspicion was right , it was really his mom dad. He had tears in his eyes already. He was the boy who never ever lived a moment without his parents so meeting them after a long time is really overwhelming.
Mr. And Mrs. Kanawut was already on their feet with open arms for their baby boy. They also missed him soo much. He happily runs towards them hugged them with a big smile on his face.[ Awww such a sweet reunion 😢😢]. He was sooo much happy that he couldn't hold his tears . When Mew entered the mension with all the gifts that gulf prepared for his in laws, he was greeted with this sweetest sight but he was also worried for gulf . When gulf's dad saw him, he broke the hug and said " oh Mew my son come give dad a hug too". Mew stood there for a moment but when met with gulf's teary eyes , he directly went for it and hugged his father in law. "Nice meeting you again"he said. He kept looking at gulf who was crying still. He sighed and poured a glass of water and gave it to gulf urging him to drink it. And our gulf did as told as crying made him realy thirsty.
"Awww baby don't cry or mumma will cry too" stated gulf's mom looking at gulf big doe teary eyes. Who immediately stopped crying but hicupping now and shook his head no .
"Oh gulf , didn't you miss ur this dad too. Now I'm sad" Mr. Suppasit said with an angry pout on his face which made a smile on gulf's face who then went to hug his other dad and said " thankyou dad, it's the best surprise" and he kissed his cheek. Mew's dad laughed when he saw the disbelief look on his dear son's face when his son in law kissed him. Gulf also saw the look on his hubby's face but ignored it coz he knows his hubby will get more after.

This all was the surprise which Mr. Suppasit prepared for gulf. It was the moment when both their parents were relieved watching the closeness of their sons. After their marriage, this was the first time that they were together with their family.

"I missed u sooo much mumma" said gulf taking his mom's hand but she huffed and said teasingly " yeah I know how much u missed us that u didn't even give us a call hmmm. ".
"It's nothing like that mom. I....I was...I was" he tried to deny but he couldn't form anything to say on this. When Mew saw this , he quickly came to save his husband " He was so busy with his studies and football practices so he couldn't call". Gulf nodded indicating that Mew was saying the truth whereas his mom's teasing smile grew more. She said " yes and also he was busy with his handsome husband. Am I right gulfie?????". He blushed harder understanding his mom's words and whined " mummmmmaaaaa". She laughed "ok ok I won't tease u now".
It was already time of dinner so Kao told everyone to come have dinner first as everything was prepared. They all went towards dining area and sat around the dining table.
Kao. mrs kanawut
Mr suppasit. Mr kanawut
Mew Gulf

(The position how they sat)

The food was served by the servants. They all started enjoying the food whereas Mew was just looking at his plate. Gulf noticed that he was not eating so as quietly as possible he asked" what happened hubby??". Mew looked at him and said " I don't like it". Gulf frowned at this because there were dishes which are Mew's favourite. "But it's your favourite. You all eat it happily so why not now?" He asked.
"Feed me" Mew deadpanned. he didn't ask but just told him. Gulf eyes widened , he looked at others watching if someone listened it but thankfully all were busy in some joke that Kao said. He looked at his hubby and sighed " hubby not here please. Just today eat on your own. I promise I'll feed you daily after this." . Mew looked down but didn't say anything. Gulf took his hand and intertwined under the table pleading him to eat. Mew finally gave up and started eating but with holding gulf's hand tightly. Gulf blushed but sighed in relief as his stubborn hubby started eating.

Their lovey dovey moment disturbed but sudden question from gulf's mom. "So gulfie do u remember it's ur granny's birthday coming??".
"Yes mom I remember"
"So start packing baby, we'll leave day after tomorrow" . Mew's spoon stopped in the air as he looked wide eyed at his mother in law.
"Oh it's a good time actually. It's their holiday starting from day after tomorrow too. Mew is also joining our company for training so Gulf can spend more time with his family. I know he misses you all" Mr. Suppasit said supporting gulf's mom.
"Wow it's great , how about you spend ur whole Holidays with us in village??? It's been so long since we went to village." She exclaimed looking at his son who was silent whole time lightly wincing in pain because of the harsh grip of his husband's hand. Mew unconsciously grabbed his hand hard . It was very shocking for him.

Maybe I'll finish this story soon. 3 or 4 chapters more guys💫
I have totally forgotten writing.

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