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Antoine's POV

"You kidding, right?"

"Does it look like I'm joking." She said looking at her nails.

"Why the fuck would you do that, Svetlana?" I said frustrated.

"I was aiming for that bitch." She shouted at me.

"You promised you wouldn't touch a single hair in her head." I said, she puffs and crossed her arms looking away from me.

"Look at me, Svetlana." I demanded. She looks at me giving me her sweet eyes that I always fall for. Not this time.

"Your obsession with Alejandro is not healthy."

"Right, so your obsession with that bitch is?" I sighed pinching the top of my nose.

Svetlana has always liked Alejandro. She met him the first time we were still friends when we were in the military. Svetlana was still young by that time and I always saw the look she gave him. I denied it because she was still a child, but it turned to a dark obsession. The last time she saw him was when we left the military and after our fight Alejandro and I never spoke again.

When I was told I'm the next heir to the Russian mafia, we were also told the truth that Svetlana was a twin and her sister lived in America. She was excited to finally get someone like her, so when she was 16 we went to America to look for a her, to her disappointment she found out Alejandro was in love with Summer.

She was angry, threw tantrums and was ready to kill Summer. I will admit she's a bit unstable and bit of a psycho. It took time for for me to get her in a right mental state. In the end things worked out when we went back to Russia. Svetlana learnt to control her emotions by fighting and killing, learning languages and master to be a different person. It's like she has 16 personalities, you just can't know who dealing with.

"You should get your shit together, or I'm seriously sending back to Russia." I said in a threatening tone.

"You wouldn't dare." She responded her jaw clenched looking at me bitterly.

"Try me." I said and rushed out of the house leaving her.

I tracked the down where the accident happened and had to find out where they took the kid. I'm not sure how Royalty will react when she actually sees me there. It hasn't been even two hours since the accident happened. It will look odd if I just showed up. I passed by a bouquet shop and bought some white orchids, I just wasn't sure.

I was seriously mad and I didn't know how to react. I don't ever put anyone before my sister, but she always seems to make things harder for me. I didn't even have a chance to get to know my other younger sister. I kept track of her when we came back to America and found out she has a little girl, my niece. Who I haven't even met. Recently things just started to actually go in wrong directions, she just disappeared and my niece gone with her. I never asked questions I thought it was because Alejandro was out of jail and she didn't want him near her daughter.

I arrive at the hospital and entered with the white orchids I bought for her. I walk up the reception, a lady with short blonde hair sitting and looking at the computer. I got closer to the table and stood in front of it.

"Excuse me miss, can you tell me where I would find Noah Martinez?" I asked her.

"Are you family?" She questioned looking at me.

"Yes." I responded knowing if I said no, she wouldn't let me through. She looks at me skeptical, maybe it was the Russian accent I thought.

"He's in room 343, just take the elevator to the forth floor and turn right you'll find the room." She said and I thanked her. I arrive on the forth floor holding the flowers hoping I'll find her at the waiting area or in Noah's room. I look at the numbers on each doors, 339, 340, 341 before walking past room 341 I stop in my tracks and turned back looking through the tiny window on the door, finding Royalty sleeping on the bed.

I was a bit confused because I only knew Noah was the one who was in an accident and not here. I enter the room closing the door behind me and made my way to her. I put the orchids on the table next the bed and took a seat. Her heart rate is normal and she looked perfectly fine. I took her hand holding it.

"I'm really sorry..."

"What the fuck are you doing here? And what are you sorry about?" I quickly stood up looking at Alejandro.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked moving away from Royalty.

"I just asked you the same question." He said his expression unmoved.

"Leave now, Boris." His tone so dangerous and His dark eyes snapped at my direction.

"I'm not going anywhere," I told him my tone so rough. I wasn't going to let him push me around. His hands moved at the back of his blazer and pulled out a gun pointing it at me. I moved quickly pulling my gun doing the same.

"I can do this all day if I have too." I smirked tightening my grip on the gun.

"I'm not stupid Boris, I know how much you want her but the sad part about this is she's mine." He smirked and I frown gritting my teeth.

"She's not a toy, Yuri. Why can't you leave her alone, can't you see you ruining her life."

"You don't know what you talking about." He shouted. I laughed at how weak he looked.

"The mighty Alejandro Vatroe has a weak spot." I pout before laughing and I could see his eyes glinting dangerously.

"Shut up," He shouted making me laugh. I hear a soft whimper and we quickly turn to look at Royalty who was about to wake up.

"I'll go, but this isn't the last time Yuri." I told him.

"You may lead the chat Boris, but I'll have the last words." Was all he said and I left.

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