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Rovach's POV

I am tired. I am already dealing with Alejandro's shit. I can't do both his and my work. I need a vacation, seriously far away from his drama. At the same time I don't want to leave Royalty with him. He is already in enough trouble and he will drag her down with her. I've had enough of cleaning his shit up. He is my brother and I love him, but that man is too spoiled.

I get in my car and drove to his house. I park my car at the gate and type in the code, the gate opens and as always bodyguards are all around the the mansion. I drive straight in the garage and parked it next to his Jeep. The house is very silent, I can only hear sound of my footsteps on the white tiled floor.

I look around the house and I didn't find him in his bedroom, office or kitchen. So I know one place he could be. I walk downstairs to the basement. As I get nearer I hear punches and grunts. I notice Alejandro punching a guy tied up on the chair. He's white vest full of blood. The guy on the chair was knocked out.

"Andro, what the fuck are you doing man?" I said walking closer to him. He stops and takes a look at me once and continues punching the guy. I stop him by pushing him against the wall.

"Can't you see he's already passed out?" I said. He pushes me off him making me stumble back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I question him. He stays silent with his jaw locked tight still staring at me. I look at his eyes and I notice that his pupils are dilated.

"You didn't." I stare at him shocked. "You promised you'd stop taking drugs, Alejandro." He bows his head ashamed.

When his father become hard on him. He started using which made him angry and abusive. This explains the bite mark on Royalty. I don't know how I didn't think of this before. He is dealing with depression again and I know he won't want help. It took me time to get his mind straight and get him of these drugs.

I was really mad. I took a swing and punched him on the nose. He stares at me stlightly shocked but unfazed. He pushes me up against the wall and pins me and punched me on my stomach twice. I push him with my knee and he stumbles back. I took another swing and hit him again making him fall on the ground.

"You fucked up and you not going to win this fight. Now Go, and take a long shower and wear fresh clothes. You and I need to have a talk." I tell him and move out of the way letting him pass through.

I look at the guy who passed out and sigh. I didn't know what I was going to do. I'm wondering how he got to this point. He doesn't know how to deal with his emotions. I've been his emotional support for all these years and I know I've neglected him. But he has to grow up and stop depending on other people. He'll never find peace until he finds peace within himself.

I wait for him in the office with a glass of bourbon on my hand and my feet on the table. The door opens and I move my feet from the table and spin the chair to face him. He rubs his knuckles and I notice the bruises. He throws himself on the couch and looks at me. The room filled with silent.

"I'm leaving." I spoke.

"Fuck no you not." He responded. I chuckle staring at him.

"I wasn't asking you. I was telling you." I exclaimed.

"Who will take care of the business if you gone?" He questioned.

"You will." I simply said. "You can't always relay on me to be doing your work. It's the business then it's the mafia. I'm tired, I need a break."

"You not going anywhere Rovach and that's an order." He boomed.

"I don't take orders from you, Alejandro. I don't work for you, I work with you." I told him as I stood up and walked to the door ready to leave.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME TO DEAL WITH ALL THIS SHIT" He roared making me stop on my tracks. His eyes are bloodshot he is filled with blinding rage and I know why.

"I've always been dealing with your shit. You fucking selfish, you don't consider other people's feelings than your own. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK." I exploded. I was a ticking time bomb ready to go off and it finally did. He seemed surprised by my sudden outburst.

"You don't really mean that Rovach." He spoke softly.

"I actually do mean it, you need help." I said. "You need to fucking growing up." With that said I left. I didn't want to leave on bad terms with him but he just had to make things about him.

"COME BACK HERE!" He shouted and I could here him breaking things. I ignored his tantrums as I made my way downstairs.

I get in my car and drove off. There's on person I had to say goodbye too. I can't help feel bad for Alejandro. We grew up together and he always protected me. We may not be bound by blood but he has always been there for me. I just only wish he understood my position.

Arriving at Royalty's apartment block. I take the elevator to her floor. I knocked at her door twice and the door opened revealing Royalty who was wearing her PJs and had her hair down.

"Rovach, what are you doing here this late?" She asked and opened the door wide letting me in.

"I came to say goodbye." I said. She looked at me confused. "I'm taking a long vacation, I just need to clear my mind." I explained.

"Oh, I understand." She said softly and looked on the floor. I caress her cheek and put my finger under her chin making her meet my eyes. I lean and give her a kiss on the lips. She looks surprised but ended up blushing, I smile at how cute she looked.

"Listen, take care of him. He'll need you more when I'm gone." I told her and she just nods. I give her a tight hug before releasing her. Her started getting glossy and a tear drop falls down her cheek.

I wipe it with my finger and she looks at me with her big beautiful blue eyes that held a hint of comfort. She stands on her tip toes and kisses me, leaving me surprised. She pulls away and gasp. I lean in and kiss her back, she wraps her legs around my waist as we both suck each other's faces. Then the next thing led to another.

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